Carpet Stain

  • Thread starter William H. (Bill) Barham
  • Start date
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William H. (Bill) Barham

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2003
Reaction score
Any ideas wanted! Left a quart of lower unit lube on the rear deck of my PT-17, in a plastic bag. Well, somehow it got tipped over and leaked all over the rear deck.

How do I get it out?? I've used Simple Green with a lot of scrubbing and rinsing. I also used some carpet cleaner that is supposed to be for those carpet washing machines and scrubbed and rinsed even more. Didn't work..

I am hesitant to use my power washer because I don't want to blast the glue from under the carpet..

Has anyone else ever had a similar problem??

Thanks, Bill
I would hit it with a good de-greaser. I can't think of any particular brand name but I'm sure you can find something at the auto parts store. Spritz it with the de-greaser and rinse with hot water from the car wash wand. Try not to scrub on it too much, you'll ruin the knap of the carpet and just grind the oil further down. Boat carpet fiber is make from polypropolene which is non-porus. Stains will not set in. All you have to do is to figure out how to disolve the offender and lift it out.

WD-40...I spilled some oil on my carpet and WD-40 took it right's a degreaser
Thanks Harpo and Smitty.. I'm going to try WD-40 on a small spot. I always thought of that as grease itself. Kinda strange feeling to use it to get grease out:)

Thats what I thought too until I moved my mom into an apartment and requested that the maintenance man come over to clean a stain out of the carpet from the previous resident. The guy thought it looked like a grease stain and he whipped out a can of WD-40 which took the stain right out. Like I said, I've used it with good results and I turned my buddy onto it who's used it with success a few times on his Crestliner.