Well I don't know....where are the fish? LOL Oh, sorry, that's NOT bait? Oh, YOU, YOU'RE the man Tox! LOL You have the biggest minner.....er um, I mean bass!
OH, MY GAWD Mac, That's a Slip bobber LOL, We were drownin big shiners. Ha, Ha!! I suppose that's what I get for being a smart @ss. Actually it's a hand hel fire extinguisher in case I really do get excited.
Finesse bait! Haaa!!!!! You expcet ME to leave this one alone? No chance! But the pink color suits you. Gee if he gets THAT excited catching a fish.......LOL
JUST ate breakfast. Just rolled out of bed at 10:30 to huh? Man, I need to be a BPS manager. That's the life. Come in late, leave early, fish in the tank. Have Craig and Marke do all my work for me. Drive any boat I want.
At work on chow break and not able to bring up the pictures, but...I can see from the ...chatter that they turned out pretty good!!! Hey, we only took pictures of the smaller ones so that you all will not be intimitated by us here in Virginia.