Carlos Retires

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Scott Hammer TOXIC

Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2002
Reaction score
Warrenton, VA
I don't think CIII will mind me posting a couple of pics from the ceremony today. It was awsome and I will remember it always. There is so much history and tradition that it overwhelms you.

Thanks for letting me be a part of it Carlos.


Now prepare to be humbled..........


Carlos needs to be careful of who he hangs out with, he might get a bad rep.;):D

Really a career to be proud of.

Great pics, Tox

Carlos, From one Vet to another, thank you, and your family for your years of service to us and our country.

Enjoy your retirement, you've earned it.

Steve Hutson
congrats carlos,

welcome to civilian life. thank you for your service to our country.

Whose the old guy your standing next to in the first picture?

sorry toxic i had to.:D

HEE YAW..Buddy you Is HA HA HA HA...MY GREAT FRIEND!!!!!!!! You Know what I think..Enough SAid....Thanks...JR:)
Congratulations, Carlos!

God Bless you, "Mister"!

Thanks for the pictures, TOX! Really appreciate them!

Hey toxic,

when are we all going to hook up up at anna?

I am "awed" by the plaque with the sitting Bulldog. Gunny, as I said before... You rate a salute from me... and the rest of the countryu as well.
Thanks ya'all!!

I am finally mobile now. Had a bit too much Wild Turkey it seems!!!!

Really, thanks for all the good wishes!

Wild Turkey?? Not bad Gunny,...but I bet you didn't do it out of a cone!!!??? :lol::wacko:

Bring on t hat MVM Reunion!!!:eek:

Seeya in August!!


You left about a 1/2 hour too early man!!! We killed about 3/4 of a big bottle of 101 Turkey.

Mac, almost even better. it was drunk out of an Artillery shell that has a handle attached to it. Mug must have weight 8 pounds or so!!!!
Did you have on your "Special" hat while drinking it?!?

Now that your retired, can we post the pic's???
An artillery shell?? Now THAT's cool!!! LOL!!!

No way Neeley!!! Those are MVM photo' remain "classified" for eternity!! :blink:;)
