Carlos Retires Today!!

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Staci Matheis

Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2000
Reaction score
Congratulations, SIR!!

I salute you!!

And may God Bless you, Carlos!

Thank you, Carlos. I believe the world has been a little safer place because of your service. Enjoy your retirement but please leave a few fish for the rest of us workin' guys.

Congratulations Gunny!! Your 20+ yrs of service to this country is VERY MUCH appreciated.

The USMC Rocks!!!;)

Now get to work Slacker,'re a civilian now,...we can rip on you with impunity!!!:wacko::blink:

Can't wait to seeya in August!! We'll have a toast!!:cool:

Carry on,

Thanks Carlos, this country wouldn't be what it is without people like you.

Carlos - Thank YOU, your Father, your Family and your brothers and sisters in our armed forces for all the years of service to keep this country free!

So, what are you doing in retirement? Working or fishing???!!!
I'm going to the ceremony and will post pic's later. I'll thank him in person!!:D


careful....he can still shoot your eye out!!:p

Hey Carlos, way to go lifer!

I will be down your way soon to prefish for the Potomac Everstart. Staying with a friend who is fishing it, but I want to get with you and Toxic to get different views on the water. Now that your retired, you should have tons of time.

Congrats Gunny! Bravo Zulu & Semper Fi !!!! Welcome to the ranks of the "retired" ;)
Congradulations Gunny: Enjoy for a short while then get back to work. For me I took a year off then back to college for 2 years:cool::unsure:, then a civilian job. Good Luck and Best Wishes
Congrats Gunny.. I would have been very proud to have been able to attend the ceremony. Looking forward to shaking your hand sometime soon.

Carlos - congratulations on retirement and a big thanks for your years of service. With your retirement, let me know if you ever need a fishing partner. I'm always up for playing hookey from work!!

Thank you very much for your dedicated leadership and devotion to our country! Although you retire from the Corps, those principles and values pass on to a worthy successor, for they have been trained by the best.

Kudos Gunny!!:D
Gunny... You have greatly earned a salute from me... You are one DFM...

You know its been a hell of a ride, I'm sure...
Thank you and congratulations Gunny, good luck with your next adventure.

Cass :D

congrats on retirement GUNNY any body that can stay in the Corps long enough to retire has all my respect I was proud to serve my time as agrunt I was glad to get out after one enlistment SEMPER FI :)
congrats on retirement GUNNY any body that can stay in the Corps long enough to retire has all my respect I was proud to serve my time as agrunt I was glad to get out after one enlistment SEMPER FI :) JD
Congratulations Carlos. Sorry I missed the ceremony. I really wanted to be there. Thank you for your service and sacrifice. This is truly a better place because of you and your fellow Marines. Semper Fi, my friend...

Craig & Kathy

congrats carlos,

now that you are retired i expect we can hook up at anna and the potomac so you can show me some of those honey holes i always here about.


Congrats on the retirement and thank you for all you have done for us. And keep the weekend of Sept 11 open to get together.

Congrats and thank you! Now go do some fishing...lots of fishing.....:cool:


SEMPER FI (now that i know what that means, lol)
Congrats Carlos....and a great big thank you to you.

That picture gives me chills everytime I see it Craig.

Party on, Carlos. Thank you for your service and good luck in this cruel world of civilians. :D
Thanks all!!!

Craig, that picture sends shivers down my spine when ever I see it....

Thanks ya'all!!!!


Carlos, Thank you from all my family,from my two-year old up to my twenty-two year old.

Gunny anytime you want to fish Minnesota I'd be honored to have you.

I use to live in MD.close to Fort Meade. Drove many times down to Fort Belvoir . The Potomac river was always a beautiful site in spring as well as the whole year round.

Have you thought of what your going to do for work yet ?


I am one of the fortunite few. I am going to work on the same office. Looks like the new career is going to be in Range Safety for me.

Good thing is that I do not have to move now!!!!!
Thnax, my brotha from anotha put on that suit and tie and get to work!!!