Carlos , Hows the weather ! !

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Mark Gross

Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2002
Reaction score
Just talked to Mike for a minute ,he said it must have been a 110 today and the breeze made it feel like a convection oven. lol

Do you think you'll still be able to make it over to MCES before you leave ? Mike said the ranges are remote at best.

That's ok if you can't make it.I just thought it might cheer him up a little after his dog dying back here and all.



Man I could not live here. It was like 114 here today.

I plan on stopping by on Friday as we are done early then. A busy week here. More then what I was expecting. I do plan on stopping though, really. I have his info and will look him up.

Thanks Carlos,

Take care of business and if you make it great if not, I know your sincere in wanting to.

......OHHH...and by the way his dog hasn't died yet.LOL

No problem Mark,

I do plan on running by there. I am the one that is responsible for our course here, so my free time during the day is limited. Almost made it by there today, but had to have a phone conference with the office back home this morning.

I do plan on stopping by no later then Friday afternoon. Students here get tested on Friday morning and I may be able to cut out while they are testing.


Went out the the school hosue today durign my chow break. After a long search (the school is pretty spread out) I found Mike. His class was on a break and I was able to talk to him for a few minutes. Fine young Marine you have there. Looks like the boot camp hurt is going away and that is good. You can tell he is stationed here in the desert he has one heck of a tan for someone from the North HAHAHAHAHAH

Really, he is a fine Marine and makes me proud to be in the same service. Hope that he gets the MOS that he wants and to get stationed where he wants too.

If it weren't for this site, meetings like this wouldn't happen.

Mike got to meet a great man, and CIII got to meet a great Marine...even if he is a Sheephead!!!
Yeah.. BUT He's OUR Sheephead... And, among all the Sheepheads in the world he is definitely a keeper...
Thanks Carlosand the rest of you.I know Mike will have been excited to see you.I appreciate it as well.Mike has my skin tone and I tan (no burning)dark !! So dark that last year my three year old while with my wife told one of her friends that his daddy was black! He was of course being sincere.My wife however about lost it. My wife is finlander very white skinned blue eye's as a result so ar my younger children. So next to him I was.

So true man. if it was not for this site I would have never have met him.

Mark, I am like your wife. Very fair skinned and burn at the drop of a hat.

Well, I am in palm Springs getting ready for my flight home. Talk to you all after I get to the house!!
