Can't get here fast enough

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May 22, 2005
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Picked up my boat yesterday at 10 A.M. 2004 Nitro 185 SSF w/115 HP. I know, could have had a bigger motor but it's not like I'm gonna be out there to race. I bought to fish and have a little fun with.

Anyway, Saturday just can't get here fast enough. Heading out as early as I can for Stockton Lake, here in southwest MO. Gonna spend the morning fishing and when I'm done with that, gonna spend some time workin' on the break-in period. I'm so excited I can hardly wait. Some of you may have seen the picks I took of my boat while it was at Bass Pro. Now that I have it home I need to get a couple of new photos and I will definitely get a couple while at the lake. I will add those to my photobucket album when I have them. Will post when that is done.

Hope you all have a good day, if you get a chance to go fishin', catch a lot or at least one good one. Waylon
Hey, Harpo! Let's meet at Stockton! You won't even need to haul your rig from OK City - I know someone who'd gladly let us use his to break in the motor! :) (As if we'd keep it in the lower rpm's ! :lol: ) Bring BJ and his tube along! :lol:

Congratulations, Waylon!

You're gonna love it!
I'll go for the fishing part ;)...

as for it being "my" tube....NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I dont swim in lakes, i dont even hold my feet over the side of the dock or takes me a while before i'll ever get in..and i dont stay in very long...

For all i know....there is something ready to bite me down there................
LOL @ BJ! :lol:

A big kid like you afraid of something in the water! :lol:

I hear that teenagers are seldom attacked.....

Apparently they leave a bad taste in the mouth! :lol: :p :lol:
Just dont be like me. Get in a hurry getting it in the water and oops forgot the plug:)
Me!- HAHAHAHAH!!! Yes!!!! I am SCARED.........LIKE SCARED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! of getting in the sister can tube and swim all she wants.... it usually takes me about 20 to 30 minutes to just think about putting my feet over....

i'm getting scared just thinking about it.....eeeeeeeeeeeeeekkkk

Ps-s-st..... BJ..... Please don't tell anyone..... Not a soul..... But.....

I'm afraid of the water, too...

unless it is crystal clear and shallow and it's a sunny day.....

so I can see what's down there before it comes after me.....