Can Someone Explain This

  • Thread starter Scott Hammer TOXIC
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Shiite Muslim Mohammed Jomahaa cuts the head of his son with a sword during the annual ritual to mark Ashoura Day in the southern Lebanese town of Nabatiyeh, Tuesday March 2, 2004. Ashoura day marks the Shiite Muslim's commemoration of the 7th century killing of their most revered Saint Imam Hussein. Al Hussein was a grandson of Islam's prophet Mohammed and is a symbol of martyrdom for Shiites. (AP Photo/Mohammed Zaatari

May I ask that you please remove that photo? My wife and son view this board and that picture is the grossed thing I've ever seen.

Thank you,

done, if you want to see it go to my library. I was a point made about religion. Should that be against the law!! I did not mean to offend...therefore it is vamoosed to my library...

It just re confirms one of two things. Either we Americans are too civilized, or those people are just plain wacked.
Think those people are just plain wacked.. anyone who would do that to thier child needs to be dragged behind my boat over some oyster beds for a few miles...
Thanks Toxic. I personally wasn't offended but I would hate to have to explain that to my 10 year old.

Thanks again.
Yeah and we are going to reach out to the fanatics with reason and logic...
Unreal! What are they thinking? Oh yeah ..THEY'RE NOT!
This comes up almost every year at this time. Let's remember that in many of these countries, these rituals have been performed for centuries. It is their belief and customs.

While we do not personally (for the most part), either understand or condone this, it's part of what is their heritage.

I for one, think that someone doing this to themselves is pretty stupid. However, I am absolutely against anyone that would harm a child in this way, regardless of intent.

After spending 18 months in North Africa (Algeria - early 70's), I was convinced that we simply do not understand those religions/customs - and probably never will.

As Americans we have this idea that the rest of the world should look like a Leave it to Beaver re-run. It ain't gonna happen. It seems to be in our nature to want to make other peoples look and think like us but the fact is that most countries can't even handle concepts as simple as democracy and self determination. We can't even accept the differances in our own citizenry. I don't understand or agree with the what is happening in the picture but then again I don't understand or agree with some of the religous mainstream right here in America. However, it's not important for me to accept either, but to understand that people live the life they want to live and the only time it becomes my business is when they are forced to live the life some other power wants them to live. That's not to say that it doesn't worry does, because when people become that fanitical they want to destroy the ones who don't agree with them. I guess my philosophy boils down to; live and let live but keep a look out over your shoulder.

yeah,...there's a reason why they're still considered "3rd World" countries......they haven't adapted to change...
Marke ,lets be careful how we through the word "GROSS" around! I have feelings to you know! LOL!

I gotta stand on some degree of civility here.....Harpo, you gonna let them sacrifice virgins because their religion calls for it? I gotta draw a line somewhere and cuttin up you kid in the name of Allah, Budda, Krishna, Joe the Volcano or whoever is just plain wrong regardless. I don't have to understand their's wrong. It's tribal, uncivilised and wrong in any context (IMHO). I know some African customs allow the mutilation of young women, and some Islamic laws that allow a husband to murder his wife, and some Far Eastern that consider setting your wife on fire a proper means of divorce....but they are all wrong and should be that way in anybody's book. That's just not me all fat and happy in the USA, it is a matter of human rights and that is global.

Yes, it is wrong in our culture but what are we suppose to do? Send in the Marines everytime some nutcase zelot does some horrible thing in the name of some god? I'm sure the guy in that picture would be equally aghast with your consumtion of alchol or pork or the way your wife tells you to take out the trash. I hate to break out an over-tired saying but we are not the police force for the world. We've got to let other cultures exsist no matter how much much we disagree with them. Our manipulation of foreign governments is what got us into the mess we are in right now.

As far as sacrificing virgins....we'll talk about that when they find one. ;>)

At first I thought the thread read "cut son's head off"! And unfortunately, that wouldn't surprise me about that culture. Simply cutting his child's head, that's mild for them isn't it? I mean, this is the same people that find vaginal mutilation acceptable and an honor for young women. And the parents choose when. Whethter it be at 2 yrs old or 15. And more young girls die from bleeding to death or infection than anyone admits. The same people strap bombs to women and children in the name of Allah. The men there are cowards, and rule by force, not choice or respect. The sad part is they are raising generation after generation just like it. And they all HATE Americans with a vengance. All we have done is try to help them. So it may sound calloused, but personally, I think we need to turn the whole damn area into a glass parking lot. Sorry, just tired of seeing this nonsense, and trying to make sense of their actions. You simply cannot. They are NOT a rational people. They is no logic or reasoning their ways.
Yes, Toxic, is is different. Right or wrong? I don't know enough about it to say.

Anybody here circumcised?(men only) or had their son's circumcised? Some people could easily see that as a big time mutilation. Do I? No. It is part of the culture I was brought up in. Is it wrong? Nope, not to me, but it drives my brother up the wall.

Just my $.02 worth.

OK, but that is done primarily for sanitary reasons, not religion. But that can be argued. Nonetheless, it does serve a sanitary purpose. Vaginal mutilation, cutting your child's head, etc, do NOTHING to better them or protect them. I'm all for seeing things a different way and experiencing different cultures, but religion and culture aside, each and every person has a fundamental sense of right and wrong. Many things they do there are fundamentally wrong on any level.
Point taken but to me it's like having your toncils taken out. Done for health reasons, not honoring some martyr and done EVERY YEAR (plus it's totally up to the individual)!! I thought about religious corrolations and came up with baptism (looks like drowning), even Southern Baptists and their Serpents (rattlesnakes) but I still can't justify willfully hurting my child in my mind. And Harpo, we don't have to be the police of the world, but I got news for ya'...........there are people in your town, city, state, doing this (and worse). Welcome to America!!

Sorry Rob, it's not primarily for sanitary reasons. I think it is mostly cultural. I think most of the info out there including the American Association of Pediatrics will say that it is not required. Culture is a strong driver.

Great discussion here. I know a lot things go on in the world that we will never understand. The one thing I can't get over is that the kid covered in blood and dad is holding 12" knife to head but the kid isn't even crying. Is the photo real or a fake?
You're right Tox, there may be people doing worse to their kids right in my own town and if I saw my next door neighbor doing something like that to his kid then I would definetly call DHS. I'm just saying that right or wrong what some fanitic in Bunghole, Arabia does to his kid or wife or camel ain't my fight...until he flys an airplane into a building because he hates me because I don't bloody my kids head. It's a crazy world and seems to get crazier every day.

I judged a gym meet in 'Florida last weekend and my roommated was from Beriut, Lebanon. I asked him many questions about his country and his religion. He stated that Many fanatics are recruited from abject poverity and are carring out isolated practices that have there roots locally and practice acts outside the tenents of their muslim faith. Many of these people have had no education, little contact with the outside world, no hope, nothing. They only believe what they are told. The terrorist are recruited from these same areas. In that light Refering to the photo. Some religions have extreme sects that do things that the mainstream religion would never teach or condone. You look in the deeper darker areas of our own religions and there are some really strange things. We have Christian Scientist, who don't believe in doctors. We have people who dance with rattlesnakes and quote the bible. To quote my roomie Carib,..."We (Amercians) tend to see everthing from our own culture's point of view." While the goof doing the blood thing with the baby might be totally wacked the baby may have only been baptisted with goat's blood according to some local custom.

We gotta be careful about about lumping muslims and middle easterners together since were depending on them in Irag and elsewhere to work with our soldiers. In a way our soldiers safety is partially in there hands.

Endth sermon! My two cents worth.


PS. I think the photo is misleading. Lets find out the real story behind it.

Dont even get me started on this subject....That was just plain wrong...why not sacrafice a goat or pig or simething. No instead they do it to their own Kin. Why can tthey do it old school like back in the day of Rome?
