Cabin fever,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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Bruce Moore

Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2000
Reaction score
Good-bye! Upper 60's here in South Alabama (LA) for the next week. Sorry Mac. Let's see, impeller, lower unit lube, fresh fuel, five or six mile run to circulate fresh fuel, with frequent stops to let engine cool and warm elbow up with 6 1/2 foot exercise stick. Hot D*#%. I'm alive!!!!!!!
Upper 40's and sunny here today!!!...SWEEEEEEEEEEET!!!!

No apologies necessary Bruce!!..LOL

Imm seein that nice fresh green stuff...and im not talkin MONEY talkin grass.. Oh yea only 2 more months till ice out and another month till the spawn.

Bruce -

You and Cathy gonna make it to the rally this year?

Shirley promises that Cathy will be fed on time!

Me! don't know if we're gonna make it or not. Cathy just started to work 3 weeks ago, so we don't know about her schedule yet. If we do, probably stay at her folks place at Barkley.
What? She didn't demand that time off as a condition of her employment?? LOL!!
That's IT! Ya'll gittin my dance now! Just go see my post and the power ma durn fever dance dun gotz!
Well, I guess I should chime in also. Yesterday, on the way home, it was 68 degrees, sunny with a slight breeze. Same today.

Tomorrow, first club tourney of the year and we should have 62-64 degrees, with a little shower in the morning.

I'll be thinking of ya'll . . . .


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