Buzz, to fish or not to fish, this is the question

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Rob LaMoy

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2001
Reaction score
Wife gave me the green light for the Winnie tourney if I want to go. But I am short on $$$ right now, luckily I have made enough each time out to pay for the tourney but haven't made any progress on my rebuild bill. If we go down, I can swing my half of the entry and some gas, but that's it. We would have to prefish a couple of weekends min, and stay overnight each time and for the tourney itself. I have a perfectly good tent, and am not afraid to use it! Plus my Bravada folds down in the back. It's your call, but if you choose a motel, I can't swing that. Unless Marke or Curtis are really close and have a back yard I can pop a tent in. Note to Marke and Curtis: If we fish this, I'm going ALL out to win it. Pulling all the stops, cause I will be giving up my first bird weekend and forgoing a guaranteed $400 for the weekend. Add in $250 spent, and that's a $650 variance I HAVE to make up, plus I need to start trimming down those motor bills so I can buy Buzz's boat come spring! LOL I will certainly take you up on the offers to give me a few local tips!

Buzz, did you get the new gauges in yet? How about the X-15. Did I ever give you all the info to contact Lowrance? Maybe they can overnight it, so we will have it to practice.
Oh yeah, Marke and Curtis, there are a LOT of big guns showing up for this one. I think even Rick Lilgard is fishing it. He OWNS Winnie!
Cool, thanks Curtis. You guys are the best. But I have to hear back from my new tourney partner to be sure we're doing it. I do want to try the lake first to, and be sure I can get on fish that will get us a check. Does fishing hot spots make a map for Winnie? That's my map of preferrence.
Winnipisaukee, in NH, not sure if I spelled it right.
Rob, I'm just checking the mail for the first time after getting back from Buffalo, I had to run down Monday and move my daughter into her place on Tuesday.. I spent today trying to get a little shuteye and catching up on the honey-do list.. I did send out the X15 to Lowrance and they said that they would check it out. I hope to have the gauges picked up by the first of the week as this weekend is my work weekend, all 36 hours of it.. I will fish Winni and will need to check my schedule for pre-fishing as I work every other weekend and I will be moving the 3 kids off to college I'm sure on one or two of my weekends off. Not positive but it usally works that way around this time of the year. I will give you a call this week after I look at my schedule and see if we can set up a weekend to go down and fish Winni with Curtis and Marke..
Ok if your fishing it Curtis and Rob is fishing it maybe I will go and fish it. Have to find a partner, but that shouldn't be a problem.. Rob is right there will be some big guns including a few guys from my way that do well on Winni. But hey you never know. I do love Winni and its all your fault Curtis.

Rob L
Remember this, anyone can have a good day and anyone a bad day. If fate serves it up, that the big guns have a poor day, and your pattern really turns on, then any tourney, is anyone's game! I never expect to win, I try to, but don't expect to. But I always fish hard enough, to expect a check. That's all you can hope for.
Rob / Buzz, you guys just worry about getting here and fishing. Curtis can put us up for the night so I'll worry about food and beer. Juicy steaks and Corona's for everyone. Brandyn is playing football and has games every Sunday but I should be able to get away on any Saturday. You guys should try to come down on a Friday night, fish Saturday and Sunday morning then head home. I'll pick you up in Concord at the end of 89 and you can follow me from there.

Fishing Hot Spots does NOT make a Winni map. Bizer is the best one out there. However the bizer map is a navigation map. You will want to study that HARD!! Winni eats lower units for breakfast. I do not joke when I say that you can be running in 20feet of water with 19 foot diameter boulders hiding under the surface. there is also over 240 Islands so you are constantly getting disoriented.

Curtis has the Winni software for the Lowrance X15 so Buzz can load it on his unit, that should help.

And if Buzz can't make it then you can fish with Curtis and I'll fish with RobL in his Triton or something.....We'll find partners for everyone. Maybe I'll enter in my own boat...Maybe it takes tin to win...LOL


Just keep me posted as to what's goin on. I'll fish out of tin doesn't matter to me. Heck we don't need Hot Spots maps for Winni we have Curtis and yourself LOL.

Rob L

If you go to Winni, look up a guy named Terry Baksay. I am sure he will be fishing it if he doesnt have a national tourney that conflicts. Tell him that Mini from Detroit said hello, and that I need for him to call me!!!!! lol....

I've met Terry before. Nice guy, hell of a fisherman.

Apparently you haven't seen the results from last weeks tourney that Curtis and I were in as partners....We were kind of hoping that YOU could put US on some fish...LOL

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