Brunswick moves Bowling Ball production to Mexico

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Bill McElroy

Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2000
Reaction score
This was JUST on the news tonite while I sit here's the readers digest version:

Brunswick is moving it's bowling ball production from Muskegon MI. to Mexico. Virtually EVERY B'wick bowling ball made in the last 80yrs was made here. The avg. cost in "labor" to make a ball in Michigan?? $2.70 per ball. The avg. cost to make that same ball with Mexican labor? .27 CENTS per ball.....:angry:


Yeah. An I bet the cost of a bowling ball will drop dramaticaly right?

Another example of American's screwing over American's for the bottom line. I hope they don't sell another F@#$ing ball.

I will stick with my Storms... I just sent Brunswick a email letting them know "Thanks for stealing American Jobs!
It will probably head straight to the gutter to try and cross the lane without getting caught......
I kept thinking it was Brunswick and Harley a while back, but I think it was the other bowling company AMF........age what a wonderful excuse for loss of short term memory. Maybe it's just halftimers? LOL!!:D:D

Did they not just buy Triton? Oh and don't they own Merc also?? I am not trying to justify the move and if said cost includes shipping. If they only sold a million balls a year, they just saved or made 2.47 million $'s. El Bolwo for denaro (little weak on my spanish)
