Braggin' on my little sister

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BJ Laster

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score
My little sister is in the 8th grade and the Jr. high OCSAA state championship basketball game was tonight. With the score tied at 33 to 33 my little sister took about a 15 foot jump shot with about one half a second left. The buzzer rang at the same time the ball bounced off the backboard and into the basket. WAY TO GO JOY!!!!!

I have video of it and it is awesome. Ok thanks...I just had to brag on my sister a little!

THis is a picture of the end of the year tournament. I don't have the state tournament pics on the computer yet. I will do that tomorrow. Joy is the second girl on the front row from the left. She is holding her MVP plaque (she was the MVP of this tournament)

Two Thumbs Up, Joy!

You Go, Girl!!


(Just don't hurt BJ's fragile, male ego..... Let him catch the biggest fish! LOL!!)
Isn't it great to see your loved ones excel! My daughter was an all star fast pitch softball player and I have so many great memories.

Way to go Joy! Hutch
Thanks ya'll

Me!-I hate to admit this...but EVERY time I take her fishing she beats me! It doesn't matter where or when!

The only real advantage she has I guess is that she likes live bait...and a fish is a fish to her there is not length limit or anything.

BJ I know you are proud of her.

The has one great big brother I know she has to brag on you too.

Take her and buy her dinner somewhere. She'll remember it all her life.

Congratulations Joy!!! Way to go!
Very cool... That is an awesome moment for her...
You're not alone BJ - wife outfishes me quite often. She likes making "cute" baits, like tubes with skirts on top. I laugh at her....until, that is, she's haulin' in the daily lunker.

Congrats to her, and you have every right to be so proud!

And I have the same deal with my 2 youngest, they outcatch me quite a bit when we go, (at least for crappie and perch).

Congrats to Joy! Every time she catches a fish BJ, just remind her that as guide, you put her on that fish!

Rich D