Boat waxing

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Jan 19, 2003
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I decided to do something I rarely do today - clean up and wash the boat. But one thing

I forgot to get was some wax. I have plenty of mequiars gold class car wax hanging around. Is it okay to use this? (yes I've never waxed the boat before except for using that 3m spray/cleaner from walmart)

thanks in advance
Yes is O.K. to use Mequiars gold class on your boat. It will not hurt a thing.

my wife must have heard me yammering about wax this morning because while I was washing, vacuming, and organizing, the wife went out to ace to get some garden stuff and brought back some mequiars boat cleaner/wax. If I've waxed anything in the past I like to use just straight wax, but since she got it.. well you know the story. Anyway the stuff seemed to work pretty well I had some stains around the cup holders/tray area under the throttle control I could never get out and this stuff got it out. I guess thats why we refer to them as the better half!!

You know for a 16ft boat I spent all day!! I can just imagine you guys with the 19-20+ boats, cleaning/waxing must take a while. Well at least I'm good for the next 3 years... okay, maybe I should do this a little more often. I don't think I've seen the white gel on my boat look so white in a long time and the moonshine sparkle just pops..
Bass Boat Saver.....never wax again....3 minutes at the ramp and you're good to go.