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Steven Parker

Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2005
Reaction score
Well, the time has come to consider upgrading from tin to glass.

I'll probably buy this coming winter but wanted to start researching now. At this point I have no preferences one way or the other on which boat to buy. I do, however, want to do my research and get a good boat and motor.

Does anyone know of a site that does a comparison of boats and motors?

And, this may be a loaded question, but does anyone have an opinion of what boat is better.

By the way, the only catalog I have on my desk right now is from Nitro. That Z-9 sure is nice....
I have always believed that buying a good used boat generated the most bang for the buck... My and my friend's experiences over the last five years have not changed that opinion. A two or three year old boat is up to 30% or more less than new and is for all practical purposes the "same" as the new one. Some companies transfer the hull warranty and some only give a five or ten year (from the date of original sale). But, some "Pro" boats are sold after one year and transfer with full factory warranties (that is some not all)... they still sell at a great discount.

If you were looking for a walleye boat I know Pros who will let you pick out the boat and deliver it to you after one season at a substantial discount.

Finally, if I were going out right now to look for a used bassboat... I'd seriously look at the Nitro 882s... I have fished out of a couple of them and really liked them as entry level bassboats... Same opinion of the Triton 185(? I think that is right)...

BTW a good example of a "big bang for the buck"...look at Rich's Fish and Ski...
Also a great buy for the money is Mac's Z20 in the swap & sell section here also.

I did see just last week that JD Power had "Basscat" #1 in Customers eyes. Nice Boats. If I didnt love my Savage so much (Plus, its paid for) I would def look into a Basscat. They arent mass produced like everyone else (Yep, Rangers and Tritons and Skeeters are mass produced). They only build about 500 a year.

My .02

Max <><
First you need to know your spending amount how much are you willing to pay.

Then look at every boat you can online, boat shows ect.

go to BBC and read what the owners say about there boats pro's and con's of all the boats

then decide what Boat you want Nitro ? something else ? then start looking for used and new and compare prices

look on the Internet you can find good deals take your time don't shy away from a road trip

take your time don't jump on the first deal unless it's God sent.

I did this and found a New 2006 Nitro 911 CDC and added everything I could and made my dream come true went 1200 miles but was well worth it.


since you are going to wait so long, talk to different owners and find out about differnent dealers in your area also find out who will service you engine when needed, even if you are planing about buying a used boat you might need some work and the better the dealer the happier you will be. as for tin vs fiberglass its personal preference and what fills your needs, alot of aluminum boats will run with and even outrun glass boats. you might suffer alittle in ride but you may gain it back in durabilty and a smaller motor will use less fuel and easier to tow. try to ride in a many boats as you can to compare.

mike c
Lots of good advice, I would put them in this order to start:

1. Define the budget for the boat, the TOTAL MAX $$ you can spend. Idealy this should be CASH, but if you have to take a loan, take the SMALLEST loan, no prepayment penalty and best interest rate. But decide your total out the door budget first.

2. Define the type of boat you want. Length? Single or Dual Console? Speed? How Much storage? Do you need 2 or 3 across seating? Do you need to put 2 people on the front deck? What is the max weight your vehicle can safely tow, and ensure you don't get a bote more then 75% of that weight.

3. Then follow the others advice on looking online, at boat shows, every time you go to the ramp ask about the boats, go to a local tournament and chat with the guys at weigh in about their boats.

4. Get out IN as many of the boats you are interested in IN the water IN conditions you will fish.

Then find a good used boat and have it thoroughly inspected (motor) by a qualified mechanic.

I can hook you up with a Z9 that will be for sale for thousands off retail, in your time frame and you can order it in the colors and options you want. Email me if interested.

Ok, here's the scoop...

Shop your dealer harder than you shop the boat. Ask the questions they don't like to hear..unless they are top shelf.

Tune out the sales guy, go to the shop. Talk to people picking up/dropping off their boats. Are they happy with their service here? What about their boats? Would they make the same decision again? Talk to the techs in the back, what motor would they buy and why? Which boat do they like to work on? Which one gives them the least problems?

Get some references, get five people who've had boats from this dealer for over a year. Get a couple who've actually had some warranty work done. Call them, ask them if they are satisfied.

Do not buy anything without an on the water test. Period. Don't give a deposit, fill out a credit ap, don't listen to some crap about "wasting their time with joy riders" if they give you any hesitation about going to the lake, leave, run out the door, they are just there to sell you something, not service you or meet your needs.

Whatever the sales guy tells you, get it in writing on the sales order, and have the manager sign and date it. This will be gold later.

Follow those instructions, and I promise you'll be happier.

Short version. Set your $ limit, find a dealer you can depend on and get the most you can in your budget. If you have X dollars to spend, spend it where you want to. I still say the dealer not the brand makes the deal. I love the service from Extreme Off Shore Marine, yes my boat is for sale but it's because I want a bigger and faster boat. I can call my dealer and leave a msg after hours and they and they will call me back to verify the part number or tell me they have the part in stock.

Buy Mac's bout it's a steal for what he's asking. He takes excellant care of it . You can't go wrong. I love and will be in a position hopefully to pick it up myself in the next couple months.

But first come first seved!

I just sold my Z20 to a Marine, sight un-seen!! He'll drive up in april from NC to pick it up!!

I love the Marine Corps!! Daggone, last 2 boats and my next one are all going to Marines!!! :wub::blink:

Semper FISH!!
