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Brian Bell2

Well-Known Member
Feb 29, 2000
Reaction score
Intesting post on Bass fishing homepage. Appears allot of folks are getting tired of the prices of boats.. check it out.
Yeah and all they want to do is dog Tracker/Nitro..go figure.

That sure is the truth. I had a 99 Nitro and never had problems with it and when I sold it got darn near what I paid for it. I think its a matter of prestige, with allot of folks, they feel if the are not running a Ranger, Triton,,,, ect they dont look good on the water.. Last time I checked the label on the hull did not catch fish.. and trackers and nitros look pretty darn good on the water.. BPS has to be doing something right to sell so many boats every year. Maybe we should challenge the triton/ranger guys to tourny..

Tracker/Nitro v.s. Ranger/Triton , total team weight wins...
Total team weight?

No matter how you count it.....

.....I'm out!

Brian, I think you are right. I know some people who fall into that stereotype perfectly. One of my fishing buddies had a really nice tr21 that he had to sell last year for a financial reasons. So now he has no boat but wont put himself in a boat he can afford so he can go fishing. He thinks he needs to have a boat that meets a certan status and he puts down my nitro all the time. Yet he still has no boat. For me its all about the fishing and has nothing to do with status. Honestly i can say if i couldnt have my nitro anymore i would either find something i could afford or fish from a small rowboat or a canoe. As long as im out there is thing #1.
If I couldn't afford my boat, I would go back to a small aluminum boat in a second. There are enough ramps around Champlain, so I wouldn't have to travel a lot on the water to catch a bass.

Bob G.
I posted this response on another forum(BBC), to a guy that was inquiring about a new Nitro. He was intrested in a 04 929. He stated he was not all excited about paying another $7000 - $10,000 more for a similar boat of another brand. and was getting the "quality/resale" pitch from the other brand dealers.

I said

"You'll love it. I have the same feelings you do about the extra money for the others brands. I fish a lot of team tournaments and have fished a lot of different curcuits out of other guys boats. Can't say that I have yet found the same size boat that is several $1000 better than mine. The resale difference is because of the initial price difference. One thing I have noticed is that the older the boat gets the less the difference in the resale margine. Pretty soon you just have an older boat and they're all worth about the same. A 15 year old Ranger ain't worth $10,000 more than a 15 year old Nitro of the same size and type.

I'm currently on my 5th Nitro since 1993, I've got that, "I want a new boat every 2 years disease". My 1st was a '93 190TF, then a '96 savage 896, '98 savage 896, then a '01 901, I currently have a NX898 bass version. I have never had any major problems out of my Nitro's. I have not had a 929 but have been in them and they are the best riding boat out there and are surprisingly fast for a big rig. In my opinion the old 896 savage series was the best tournamnet boat ever made, all brands included. I think I'll keep my 898 for a while, it is right up there w/those 896 savages so far. KENNY
I can tell you about Tracker/Nitro resale value...if your tradin' up to the same brand. They gave me $4500 on a 94 Pro 18 w/60 Merc that I wouldn't have gave you 3k outright. Now that's resale value!

It's funny the only people who put down my Nitro is other bass fishermen. Most everyday fishermen tell me"Nice Boat" etc. Fishermen and bass fishermen for the most part are really influence by what they see on TV. I think we all are Pro wannabe's deep down. I am. I don't have it in me to be a pro but I'd love to be. So having a.... quote"boat like the pro's" helps us identify with this image. Spending that much on a big money boat might make a few unenlightened individuals put down other brands. It's good to see that this isn't the case here or it only happens in kidding around.

As for myself boats are kind of like shotguns... I never met one I didn't want to have.

I like Nitros, i'm on my second one a 96 896 and a 01 911. I would not say they are the best riding boat, but they are good. The 929 is one of the best deals out there in my opinion.
Whaaaaaat? People actually like NITROS and Trackers....where are the NITRO sinks, my NITRO only runs in reverse and I had to put a foil on it. I found a Budweiser label on my tin rig.....Humph....

I love my Nitro NX750, just got a few hours ago and have not even got her in the water yet.. Sure looks great in the garage. My wife wants to know if I sleeping with her or the boat tonight. BTW this is my second Nitro, my first was a 99 700LX, they have come along way since 99. I have been, crawling around and wiping down my 750 for about 2 hours.. Cant find a thing wrong with it. Not bad for a 17 1/2 foot boat with a 115 for 14,695. I priced Skeeters, Tritons and Rangers, and the price was anywhere from 3k to 6k more for the same size boat and motor. And they dont have the features that the 750 has..

Great Boat Nitro, keep up the great work.


Cant wait till saturday.
Or where's that guy from VA..."How come my hull didn't hold up against a toxic blast? The whole stinkin rear deck disintegrated! And my EFI melted from the fumes!"
I had a '97 912 that not only was a beautiful boat but also rode like a Lexus! Everytime I went to the lake someone always made a comment about how good it looked in the water and on the trailer. I have friends who have Tritons, Rangers and Skeeters but I have not found one yet that rode as good in rough water as that boat period. Of course it's a big boat and should ride good in rough water but the other boats were the same length as mine and weren't nearly as comfortable a ride.

I'm looking to buy another boat since I sold that a while ago and I'm sure I will look at all other brands, but I would not hesitate to buy another Nitro.
As I have posted in an earlier post, I got rid of an overpriced Champion to buy my P/T 185. I flat out grew a Nitro 640LX when I bought my Champion. I should have bought a 19' Nitro for $6 to $10K less money, live and learn.

Any way, I'm really glad to be back in a Tracker product.