boat plug

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JP Heintzman

Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2005
Reaction score
Does anyone have something they use to keep the drain plug from seizing? Every time I get home, I have to use a pair of pliers to get the plug out and I'm concerned that eventually I'll bust the thing. THanks:blink:

Are you talking about the plastic screw in ones? If so does yours still have it's o ring? If not you need to have one then you don't have to tighten it so much.
Yes, it's the plastic screw in type. I'll have to check to see if I lost my o-ring. Thanks. I tried reel magic, it only worked for about two trips and then it was siezing on me again.
How 'bout a schmere of something a little white lithium grease.
I'd get a new plug. I keep a spare in the glove box, they're only 5 bucks, including the socket at BPS.
Jim - Just drive NORTH to Canton, meet Eli/Noah and I at the Cherokee Mills ramp on Allatoona and we'll take a look at it!!! LOL

Hope you got it fixed/working, my '99 nitro doesn't seem to have a problem as LONG as I don't tighten it TOO tight, so I would (now in the summer when the water is warm), screw it in a little LESS tight, and check the bildge a few times during the day to see how it works.


had the same problem, everytime ya go fishin and come home, give it a coat of marine grade grease, seals the plug great and works great
Dont take it out! Problem solved.

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