Boat plug, in or out?

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Greg J.

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2005
Reaction score
Saw a post over at the BPS Talk Forums concerning the boat plug. Do most of you leave the plug in (constantly) or take it out?
I never really thought about it much, but usually I leave the plugs in. They are usually only out long enough to drain rain/wash water from recent trip.
I take it out. There always seems to be a drop or two in the bilge at the end of the day. So I let it run out on the way home.
What caught my atention on the topic was that one member posted that his plug hasn't been out in 20 yrs. Rubber can shrink/dryrot over a period of time, and I was wondering if there's just built-up gunk/debris keeping a seal between the boat and the water. I take mine out whenever I pull the boat out of the water.
I take it out when I take the boat out of the water. By the time I'm home, it's fairly well all drained out.

I leave it out at home. Of course, I ALWAYS check it both at home before leaving, and also at the ramp.

Best way to state my system... THe plug is in ONLY when the boat is in the water... Helps keep the bilge from smelling musty...
Only take mine out over winter.

I put a squirt of dish washing liquid into the little bit of water that is left in the bilge to clean out the grime.

i always pull mine unless it going in the water. i think it helps it from smelling musty, and on the off chance my cover fails the boat wont fill up with water. especially in winter when it could freeze.

I keep mine in the garage, but i've found that I get more water in the bildge on my Nitro then my Tracker, due to the splashwell and if I come off plane too quick and don't trim down before comming off plane, it splashes out of the splashwell and into the bildge. So I take the plug out at the lake ,and like tex any water is gone by the time I get home. So one of my check list items when I get home, besides plugging in the Guest charger is putting the plug back in.
In a glass TAKE IT OUT but a newer tin that has welded seams.LEAVE IT IN..If unless it has rivits or you store it outside then you will have some in there...Be safe than sorry
Mine's out while out of the water. It fits perfectly in the transom drain hole while in the garage. The only time I've had water in the bildge was after a storm.
Out unless going into the water. I also have a bar of Ivory soap in my bilge....biodegradeable and keeps the bilge sparkly clean.

Whatever the boat, I strongly suggest that you pull the plug when out of the water. If you bust, lose or have a dry-rotted o-ring/drain plug, I guarantee the replacement cost will be cheaper than glass delamination, rusted hardware, mold/mildew removal, etc.... Keeping your bilge dry is very good preventative maintenance.
OK I can't help myself, the Ivory soap does not leave a toxic emmision?


Oh my reply to the question, the plug is out until the boat goes in the water and sometimes still not then, yup I done it.. It was 30 years ago but everybody does it at least once and if you have not yet you will.
I take my pulg out all the time, the guy I bought the Ranger from did not, as soon as I got the boat I pulled it and a bucnh of real bad looking water came out, the first trip with the boat I took on water, and was panicked. I then replaced the plug and flange, and pull it out every time. The Ranger Dealer told me to always take the plug out