I got one for my 188 Sport. It really is an exact fit. I have even trailored with it a couple times. Seems to be waterproof and they give a 7 year warrenty. Mine even came with the motor cover even though they say it doesn't! As far as BPS, I have little patience with them too. I ordered a bunch of Bandits and spinnerbaits from them on the 7th hoping to use them on a guided trip this past Sunday. They sent them regular mail and the package never arrived. Finally Monday, I called and told them they had messed up my trip by using US Mail! So they sent a new package. Guess what was waiting for me on Monday afternoon? Yup, the original package. So now I have another package coming and I have a dilemma about whether I should send it back to them. They do have a 10 day guarentee which they didn't abide by. Maybe I should just keep the new one too. What would you all do?