Bill's Review of KwiKDroP

  • Thread starter William H. (Bill) Barham
  • Start date
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William H. (Bill) Barham

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2003
Reaction score
This is a copy of an e-mail I sent to Orv at KwikDroP.

I recieved a new "KwikDroP" pedestal to evaluate last week. I appreciate the chance to try this thing out and report back to other boaters.

I got on the water for a few hours Monday so I got to check out the KwikDrop a little better. It is slightly higher than my pedestal but I got used to that quickly to the point I didn't notice it after a bit.

The more I lifted and raised it, the easier it got. I found myself leaving fishing spots I would usually fish longer just to put the pedestal down:).

I do like the new "Hi Tech" look of the unit! I got to show it to three other boaters and two of the three liked the idea and all liked the look and how well made it was. The one who didn't said his front pedestal was "no problem".

The only negative thing I can say about the "KwikDroP" is the cost, as it is more expensive than a regular pedestal and for people with fixed incomes that is a problem.

My conclusion, it's well made and a great idea and I liked it. I would want one on the front AND on the rear of my boat, mainly for looks and ease of putting the seats down when trailering. The theft issue is also something that I wouldn't have thought of and is a GREAT idea. I do like it and want to outfit my boat with two of these, one on the front and rear.

I will post my review on NTOWS as I feel I owe it to the other members to inform them of what I thought of this new product. I believe it will be well recieved.

Again, thank's for the chance to try this out and good luck with your enterprise.

Anyway, it's a great idea and a very well made unit and I think, and hope, you do well with this enterprise.

I know if I ever come up with something I need manufactured for my boat I know who to contact.


I also received my KwikDrop. I like it. It is a little higher like Bill said and my cover fits a little tighter when on. It is convenient as heck, a lot nicer than digging through my rod locker for my post. Flick a lever and it goes down or up. Much better when running from spot to spot. I will probably get one for my rear seat eventually, but can't justify the cost right now.

Good product guys!

Rich D
I too have tried the KwikDrop pedestal on the front of my boat. The thing that initially caught my eye about it was the ability to lower it before you took off to another fishin' spot. I always left the seat and pedestal in because it was too much trouble to take them out. Then I'd always find myself straining to look around the seat to make sure no one was in front of me.

When the pedestal arrived the first thing I noticed was how well it was constructed. The pictures on the web doesn't represent how well it's constructed. I'm right at 300 lbs and it feels as sturdy if not more than the original Swivel Ease pedestal that came with the boat. Learning to snap it up and then back down took only a few tries and then it was done hardly without effort. When it's in the down position the seat is about 1-1/2 to 2 inches higher than before.

I will have to say the initial price is a bit high when compared to a normal pedestal but the quality of construction and the fact that you can leave the seat on the front and still run the lake without having to look around or over the seat is a real plus.

I'm really impressed with the product and would recommend it to anyone that fishes from the front with the sit-down seat. For someone that stands up all the time it wouldn't be of any use. I live in the central Indiana area and would welcome anyone that would be interested in seeing it or trying it out, just send me an e-mail and we'll get together.

One of my concerns is having it "stick" in the base. When walleye or bass fishing I use the seat, when muskie fishing I use a pro seat with hydraulic pedestal. I will have to remember to remove it every so often.

Rich D
ChampioN, you are joking right? LOL!!

The $64,000 question is: Does it adjust at different heights like a hydrolic or is it in the "up" or "down" position?

Major least for use as a pedestal. I adjust my ped. for the height that fits the conditions, i.e., when it is windy and swayin, I have it high so I can lean straight back; when it is calm, I drop it down and lazy lay against it and when I am tired, I drop it furthur and use it almost like a chair. That is when it is in, I rarely use my front ped. anymore. Now as a backseat it might work but I still have to be able to adjust it to different heights of people from little kids (low) to 7 ft tall guys (high). Both seats have to adjust to be of any use to me.

What the heck is a KWIKDROP? ? Sounds like a bird flying over ya when your fishin and, well, you know...- Im assuming thats not what you all are talking about though...
Your right the website doesnt do it justice - I emailed them to see a few more pics and they sent one and it looks real good on a tracker. They said they are in the process of redoing the website with better more clear pictures. I think im gonna order one - Has anyone else out there seen'em. I have to order a new prop for my new boat anyway..Damn logs.... I called Tracker and they said that hittin logs and such wasnt covered in my warranty. Go figure
If you need a new prop, Try They have great prices on larger Merc props, may have good prices on smaller ones too.
Bill, this whole "issue" gets funnier by the day. First, Staci goes over to BBC and refers them to the issues here regarding the product. Then, BBC rips them a whole new one and Al says they won't be allowed to be a sponsor.

Next thing I see is you posting your review and getting bashed for it being your first post. Then Kwikdrop is a sponsor over there and everyone's singing the praises.

This is getting better than a soap opera. We sure are a fickle group when it comes to supporting or hating a product. I think even John Kerry flip-flops less than we do sometimes. (we is a generic term for internet anglers.)

I don't believe this was started to rehash whatever went on before. Those posts should have been stopped as they served no purpose. The pedestal is a really good idea. I still think they should be allowed as a sponsor here, but will respect Rich's wishes on that.

Rich D

Maybe the sponsorship issue should be revisited.

I notice that Don Welker has been posting a little, and contributing some good info.

The rpoduct reviews on both boards have been good.

I think we all just got off to a bad start here....imho

I agree. I would recommend the product to anyone that uses the seat. I just wish they would develop an adjustable one for pro-style seats.

Rich D
Hey Snowman, Yea, that bashing I took over there was kinda surprising. I have to keep in mind it was only one or two people and more than that came to my defense.

I think it's a good product and would not have said so if I didn't believe it.

It has seemed like a soap opera though hasn't it:)?
