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Nov 3, 2002
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Alright guys lets see ur all time biggest bass....


Theres Mine Came From the California Delta weighed 18.2 and she bit a 5" black and Blue senko while on the bed.....:p
I don't have a picture, but my all time best is 8lbs, 13oz. Caught in a pond in back of my old apartment complex in Virginia Beach, VA. There were a bunch of guys all shoulder to shoulder throwing various lures to her (on bed). I asked if they would mind if I cast to her, and they replied by telling me that they had been trying all day, and that she wouldn't bite anything. Moments later, I was fighting her on a spinning rod, when she sucked in a 4" Guido Tube. When I released her, I thought the group of them were going to kill me. :lol:

I'd love to break the 10lb mark one day, but so far, tournament fish for me have not even touched 7lbs yet - close, but not over.

All the best,

Best (so far) Largemouth...

7lbs 8oz

Lake Barkley, Ky
Big Bass1.jpg

Best Smallie:

St. Joseph River, St. Joseph, MI

5lbs 6oz

After seeing that first one I believe I'm going to just sit this one out. :rolleyes:

well my best isn't worth talking about but this is my sons best,last year on a guided trip in florida he caught 31 within ONE HOUR here is one of them:eek::D mom caught 30 within that same hour:eek: I could not attend due to getting a new job and not being able to get off:(
walt disney world 9.06 002.jpg
GEEZE Frank :eek::eek::eek: I'm with Troy your fish could eat 3 of my fish for breakfast!!! LOL

My biggest, the infamous 2004 Kentucky NTOWS Rally fish! Replimounted on my wall next to the trophy and Mac's Big Fish cartoon award!!

No picture but my biggest was last year during the classic on lake walk in water in florida, 8.54lbs. Caught her on a home made spinner bait!

Great fish Frank!


6.5lbs on a bitsy bug. Have caught two 6.5ers, can't seem to break that barrier yet, but spring is on the way!
Frank you big showoff!:p Wow, what a catch. Congratulations. I don't have a picture but mine was 8lb 13oz. For a long time I had that on the side of my boat,

"Maryland 8lb Club".:) Hey, that's huge here..:cool:

Uncle Billy