Big Changes at TMBC Detroit

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Kathy Roberts

Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2001
Reaction score
Just to let everyone know, tomorrow will be my last day at TMBC Detroit, they are letting me go. Even though my inventory counts were good and they have received customer comments saying how helpful I have been, TMBC has chosen to terminate my employment. No this is not a late April's Fool.

Craig has been named Service Manager at Detroit,:D and it's against company policy for relatives to work for one another, I am going back to school for a degree in Accounting!!!!!.

It's really a great opportunity for both of us!

We don't know who will be taking over the Parts Dept here, but I'm sure they'll find someone good. But don't worry, I'll still be coming back here to check out the posts.

It's been a good run, thanx.


House Wife & Student

I'm sorry to hear about your termination......they must not know what they are doing. Make the most of it by getting your degree and keep looking forward!!!

Congrats to Craig!!

Bob G.

Sorry to hear that they terminated you, I would hav thought that Bass Pro would have found you another position. :(

However....Congrats Craig!!!! :D:D:D

And congrats Kathy on your soon to be new career!!!:D:D:D

Things usually happen for a reason even if we don't see it at first so I will just say congratulations on going back to school. I'm sure it will turn out for the best for you and your husband in the long run.
Even though we didn't see eye to eye on claims and were an omen to eachother, Good luck to you and congrats to the hubby!!!

Isn't that Rich's position?

Jim Celerglerski
Good luck Kathy! It sounds more like a "step up" in the grand scheme of things!! Tell Craig congrats as well!!
I agree with Dan, Kathy you still ROCK and when you get out with your degree you'll be raking in the bucks!!

And congrats to Craig!!

Sorry to hear about the job. I wish you the best of luck in school. I was over 40 when I went back to college to get my degree.;)
Good Luck Kathy.. Had you not been given this chance you probably wouldn't have used this opportunity to go back to school. All the best.

We have a company policy that a policy is only as good as the effect it has... We foolow policies when the effect is good for the business and the customer. Sounds like this time a policy is more important than the effect.

I have sent a lot of people, first to Craig, and then to you, with the best of results. So, I know from my perspective you will be missed.

Now, Mrs. Roberts, pass on my congrats to that great guy you are married to... And, I wish you the very best of luck in what you ahve chosen to do next... However, I must advise you that my undergraduate degree was in accounting and I never told my mother... She was already embarassed enough knowing I had friends who were lawyers...LOL J/K...
Kathy, good luck. I always believe when one door closes another opens.

Good luck to ya, and congrats to Craig.

I gotta go by there next week and drop something off for him.....I'll give him my little tidbit advice at that time!!!

Rich is the Service Writer, the job i left to take over the Parts Department.

Actually I thing this was the kick in the butt I needed to go start making changes. We're both really excited about our futures.

Good luck Kathy. I know you will do well at what ever you do. Thank you for your help over the last 4 or so years.

Craig....Congrats....I hope. ;)

I'll stop by the weekend of the spring classic and see you if you're there. I need some stuff.

Sounds like you already have plan in place to make the best of this!

Thanks for you help with stuff in the past!

Congrats to Craig!

That's COOL!!! Good Luck to BOTH of you,...I'm happy for Craig and excited that you're going back to school Kathy,...You'll need the accounting degree to keep track of Craig's Bonus's!!..BWWaaahhhaa!!!


Good luck Kathy....more time to bake :)

Congrats Craig!!!!!

