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BJ Laster

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score
I replied to the messages on the BFHP about the 901. I threw a curve and told them how i don't like Rangers and lOVE nitros....boy is it getting good over there...LOL
Hey snowman- I figured I would post this here instead of on the BFHP

What do you mean take a ride in a basscat?????????...

Lets say it together..."BJ loves Nitro" again "BJ loves Nitro"....LOL

Just messing around with yeah.. I would love to take a ride in one. I have never been in one before. Just my two cents but I don't like the looks of them....its different, the console seems too small. The windshield sits too low is what I mean.....BUT i can't talk about them because I have never been in one....I don't go to Texas much but maybe one of these days we can hook up and take a ride...

Hey man, I'm just trying to convert you over to the dark side. If you get a BassCat, your turtle will be swimming in the mud all the time.... LOL.
I know this may be a dum question but what does Turtle swimming in the mud mean?????????????????????????????????????????????

LOL.... one will ever get me to go to the dark


I just through a little Nitro love over to the BFHP site, what's up with that Shelby guy slamming Nitro.. We Nitro owners are the only ones permitted to SLAM Nitro...
Brian-do you go by BMCD over there?

its getting to be funny!

Yep, getting pretty funny over there!! Now what you need to do BJ is send another message over there and say that you planted that "Can of Worm's" because it was getting boring out here and us Nitro/Tracker/Glass/Tin owners needed a good laugh!! Well, Maybe not!! Sounds like those guy's are just too serious about everything and anything..

Max <><
That place can be a zoo at times:) I wonder how some of em' get around with big ol' heads that must weigh 100 lbs;)
They are surely about a "bashin' group"....aren't they!

I think there a few definite bad apples in that group.

If you'll look'll see it's the same few.

Your correct. I think its a case of these folks are just trying to justify spending thousands more on a piece of fiberglass.. It kills them to know that "WE" Nitro owners for the most part love our boats and did not spend as much as they did for a sticker on the side of their boat that says triton or ranger. You will notice that most of the folks on that board that bash other brands are triton owners. Pretty sad...
Look out Brian, some of us are that "R" brand owners that have come over from Nitros. The difference with us is that still respect them and their owners and wouldn't think about bashing them.
Then there are one's like me that went from Ranger to Tracker. Gee's I'd bet they really have a ball with that.
Well, I can't say look out or I'll catch you, because my 520 is slower than my 896 (unless you get in some heavy chop), so I guess it means look out and make sure you don't drop yourself to the BFHPers level and begin the bashin' (good enough??).

By no means have I bashed Ranger,(chill) they are GREAT Boats, so are Tritons, I sold my TX186 last year, and have owned Nitro in the past and currently own a 2004 NX and love it.

O.K.....Let's show em' how respect is presented on this site as well as our everyday lives. This site by no means has (and probably never will) allow disrespect for anyone(That I know of).

I know a few over the years that were either booted or finally got the picture they're not welcome here.
For Peet's sake BJ,don't let them know what you are up to.They are liable to come over here.LOL

I sure do like to read some of the crap that goes on over there.

In a way it's funny,but it is also a shame.That could be a nice board.
Boy BJ you sure have some biggun's for doin that over there. You are quite the instegator over there. I think you should change your handle to "Instegator BJ". We can both change our names. I am going by "Cookie Monster" and you can go as "Instegator BJ"


I like when they go on about how bad nitros are,then say "I've never personally owned one,I'm just going by what I have read here"

I just think they compare apples to oranges too much.

If you compare a $15,000 Chevy Cavalier to a $30,000 Cadilac,sure the caddy will be nicer.

But the Chevy is still a darn good car.

Whether either one is worth the money is open for debate....