Best Bone-Head move so far!

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Andrew Zuber

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2001
Reaction score
Anybody done this one???

I had a party at my house on Saturday (I got "old" - turned 40!!!)

Anyway, I towed my boat over to the neighbor's house and put it in his garage to free up space at my place...The neighbor has kids, so I took the keys out of the boat and hung them up in my garage (can you predict what's coming here?)

Well....last night was my regular Monday night club partner came and picked me up and towed the boat to the lake with his truck...I got out of his truck and realized what I had done! Left my boat keys hanging in my garage! Bone Head!!!!

I keep the 'spare' set of keys in my Grand Cherokee...but, my partner towed my boat with his truck!!!

Well...we zero'd in the tournament...couldn't cover much water in a 500 acre lake with just the trolling motor...

I'm making another copy of the key and giving it to my partner!!!!

feeling old and semi-brainless, (maybe it had something to do with the hang-over from my party!)

I've sometimes wondered why I don't keep the keys in the boat while I'm at home. It's not like someone is going to hop in, back down the driveway and go for a joy ride. I do think I'll stash an extra somewhere just in case.

So many, and so little memory space....

Recently had a moment on the ramp during a rather large tournament tried to back my boat off with the trailer tie downs still attached. Realized what i had done i tell my partner to pull up after i have reattached the boat bow hook. I remove the trailer tie downs and back down again forgetting i had reattached the bow hook. trying to unattach the bow hook in the dark and while it was tight from the weight of the boat is not fun. Took me awhile to launch, with lots of on lookers. For something that takes an average of 20 seconds to back down and launch, it must have taken us 2 1/2 minutes. At least i got a sixth place that tournament.
Sounds like I missed a good party...LOL

I won't miss it next year. Happy birthday dude.
Happy Birthday Andy,

A month or so ago, I went out alone on a Monday afternoon to do a little relaxing and fishing, all the way there I had this nagging feeling....... what did I forget? You guessed it, the boat keys......, so I launched anyway, and with that "I meant to do that" look, I calmly lowered the trolling motor and SLOWLY cruised away from the launch.... I hate when that happens! Again, happy birthday to you..... egMike
Must be why i have a extra set tucked way out of sight and stored in the boat. plus the other set in the truck.
Been there..done that Andy. I had my wife drive back home and get em' I got a spare in the glovebox of every vehicle.

Kinda' like leavin' the plug out feelin' huh.

Join the club! First Happy 40th! you've got me by 3 years, i'll be 37 on Sept 7th.

Done the key thing, with the kids in the car! MAN were they unhappy to have to go back to the house. Locked the Truck keys in the car on the ramp with my WIFE in the boat!!! ARRGGGHHHH

I Tee carry a set in each tow vehicle glove box, gotta think about one hidden in the boat thought!
Been there with the key thing too. I now keep the ignition key in the boat at all times and a spare in the truck. I keep a set of compartment keys in the boat in case i need to lock them and spares in the truck. There is nothing worse then driving to the lake and not have the keys. most of the lakes i like to fish are 2-3 hours away and are way too big to fish on just electric so its a bummer if theres no keys. I also keep a extra truck key buried in the boat, it has come in handy at times.
Happy Birthday Andy!! My wife wanted me to put the spare keys for the boat in a safe place at home. I said they'll be fine in the glove box of the truck...just in case. If that's the worst thing you've done you're way ahead of most of us!

You can get a 2 piece pouch that velcro's shut and has heavy duty adhesive on the back. I hide mine in the........hey,..... wait a minute....., I'm not tellin you guys........No tellin where my boat would end up!!LOL

OK don't have to tell us where you hide your, key, but, if you were us, where would you hide it
Depends....Glass or tin? In the glass boats, you can put it in the gas/oil/battery area in the rear between the transom and the gastank. If you have the pull out plastic tubs opposite the livewells, you can pull the tubs and put them there (remember not to lock the lid though..).

In the tin boats I would do something under the console. I have actually seen them under the engine cowling also. In the bag where the pull rope is for the motor.

Mac - How does that work? Thumbprint? DNA match? Eyeball print? Saliva test? Does it just have NO key or code? Or is it like the doors on ford/Merc/Lincoln products that have a key pad?

Don't even need the keyless ignition. I would think most of the people on this board have hot-wired a car in their day (or era - some may have used the hand crank magneto - LOL). Most boats are just as easy. Just remember not to lock your lockers on board so you can get to the fishin' stuff.
Trep,....they use a keypad/code....very easy (as long as you remember your code!!..LOL)

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