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Ken Neeley

Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2001
Reaction score
My 5th all-time largest Michigan Bass....

SueD.....notice the hat....I would never have caught this bass without Guest.

I'll send you my address for shipment of a charger!!!!

Nice fish, great hat... Mount the fish and toss the fisherman back into the lake... (j/k)

I bet that was a fun couple of minutes...
damn, neeley you are one ugly dude.. oh that is the fish -- HELLO SWEETHEART!

okay, so what did SHE weigh in at anyway - looks like a 10+ to me - donde esta los bass grande y la neeley mucha bonita? :wub:

I don't know Vectordave... anyone holding a beauty like that has to score lower on the 'ugly meter'! Nice Bassosaurous Neeley!

Greg Walters

Side note to SueD: You need to have them design your hats so that they cover more of the fisherman's face or at least a brighter color so that your attention is drawn away from everything else - like a nice neon green?


That's one of those fish I always catch when I'm alone.....good thing Marke was there to snap a pic or two before we released her!!!
Nice fish Ken....and a nice hat too.

Sure, send me your address and I'll see if I can't round up a charger or 2 to send your way.

Nice Toad Neeley!! :wub: Glad you finally got someone to take a pix!! :rolleyes:

(He called me from the lake on his cell and was bummin' cuz he couldn't get ahold of Marke, Jill or Rhonda or anyone to take a pix!!...and I told him,..."I want to see a pix or you're just another lyin' SOB!!"):lol:

You are a man of your word Obi Wan Keneeley!!:p


That fish looks like it's already mounted!! Did ya find it at a garage sale?? LOL!!

Just razzin ya........awesome fish!!

Bob G.
Sort of looks like the Big Mouth Bass on those musical plaques they sell at Walgreens!

Nice frog Ken....oops toad! Hope you let her go so she can swim west!

Did you see the mouth on that thing???

I could keep.......:rolleyes:
Nice fish from any neck of the wood,especially from northern waters.
Where were those toads when I was there? Nice fish!
There's something funny about this photo. Reminds me of...


Do you guys trust him? :)

Ken, great fish! matter what they tell you DO NOT MOUNT THE FISH!!

You'll get too many weird looks from bystanders.....

wow Ken so how much did she weigh??

Of coure you caught it in a TRACKER ALuminium boat, what else!!!! :cool:

And dontcha need a BOAT to put a Charger on??? LOL!!
Okay, one more time for you Northern boys.

If it's a largemouth, that looks like that fish - it's a HAWG! Toads are for those smallmouth critters that you are famous for. No disrespect meant for those brown bombers, but a HAWG is a HAWG!

Great fish Ken.

You got that same look in your eye's as the cat who ate the canarey ??:cool:

Nice fish ken !!


I got the call too....couldnt wait to see the pictures. I guess I had to get off the steroid banana boat long enought to look at the internet :)
