Been Here The Longest ?????

Nitro Owners Forum

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Sam Elkins

Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2000
Reaction score
OK, Just for the heck of it. Who's still here and has been around the longest?

First Post: 5-5-2000

Member Since: 8-18-2000

P.S. Besides Rich. LOL
Wow, Sam! I didn't realize you had been here that long!

My first post: 5/13/2000 (8 Days after your's.)

Member since: 10/13/2000
WOW I beat Staci on Member and First post!!! WOO HOO - I do NOT have a life!!!! LOL

First post: 4/30/2000 10:12:26 AM

Member since 6/30/2000
So what was it like back in the olden days, Daddy?

Ohh Harpo, you don't KNOW!!!! Mack and Mini were both ACTUALY driving NITROS!!! Ken worked for Tracker!!! Rich had a 170 with a 75 Force!!!

OHH the Horror!!!!! LOL
One time for lack of anything better to do I did a search to see if I could go back to the first post and couldn't get back farther than 2002 I think. Are those messages still available or have they been purged?

Member since 3/20/2000

Total posts: 2478

First post: 4/27/2000 6:47:49 PM

Latest post: 8/23/2004 9:09:28 AM

Not as many post as some, but been here a while...

Total posts: 690

First post: 4/25/2000 8:35:50 AM

Latest post: 8/20/2004 3:54:21 PM


I HAVE been here a while..

Total posts: 3195

First post: 11/11/2000 6:09:01 PM

Latest post: 8/23/2004 12:35:25 PM


Now you did it...

ollllld mannnnnn!

Total posts: 1600

First post: 7/6/2000 10:27:41 PM

Latest post: 8/23/2004 12:43:46 PM

First post 5-1-2000

Member 8-4-2000

(Joined while in pre-school)


Bruce Moore
Total posts: 3156

First post: 9/27/2000 9:11:51 AM

Latest post: 8/19/2004 3:11:56 PM

Total posts: 957

First post: 4/25/2000 10:21:49 AM

Latest post: 8/15/2004 1:42:16 PM
interesting, Pulled up Rich's profile and his says:

First post: 4/25/2000 12:05:48 AM

So if we assume that Rich's post was the FIRST one, they it looks like Magna19, and Brain (so far on this post) are the ones who got here first!!!
How did you all find out about the site?

I was over on the BFHP and heard about it from there in one of the threads where their people were bashing Nitros and Trackers. It got really interesting the next few months how people from this site started rallying and posting over there every time any such thread started! We set the records straight!
My stat's are kind of funky, but here goes:

Total posts: 2895

First post: 6/18/2000 11:46:17 AM

Latest post: 8/23/2004 7:41:46 AM

Member since February 2001 (I don't think that is actually correct), since I bought my Targa in June of 2000, which is when I joined in).

Mark - In a galaxy Far Far away!!!! LOL

Staci - I think I too found this site from the BFHP. I had just ordered my Tracker and FOUND BFHP, and was VERY concerned from the Nitro/Tracker bashing that MAYBE I had made a bad decision.

Nope, 4.5 years later and LOVE my Tracker!
I'm so new I'm still not shaving.. I found this site after I bought my PT-17 and was searching around for Tracker stuff. I lurked for awhile and the realized eveyone here was as crazy as I was so I just jumped in:)

HEY, I have my one year anniversary here in 4 days.

Total posts: 344

First post: 9/9/2000 11:05:23 PM

Latest post: 8/20/2004 2:57:12 PM

Member Since 5/28/2001

Not sure why I waited so long to become a member. Robert
I've been here since 4/26/2000. While I only have about 250 posts, I read a few times a day at least...
member since 1/22/2001

89 post

first post 6/1/2000

latest post 8/20/2004

Don't know why i waited so long to become a member also

but looks like i need to post alot more than i do!

found the site by looking for nitro stuff and just enjoyed how everybody got along without all the bashing that went on at elsewhere.

Steve ><}}}}'>
well i've only been here a year..but love it...

Now..who's been here the longest???

My dad was friends with

Watch it, BJ..... There are a number of us here who are somewhat older than your Dad! :)
Total posts: 251

First post: 6/2/2000 10:32:13 PM

Latest post: 8/18/2004 7:54:54 AM

Something's not right. it shows me as a member since October of 2000. I didn't buy my boat and find out about the site till august of 2001.(Thanks Ken!!)

Maybe Rich is Psycic, and knew I was going to buy a Nitro. Hmmmm

Member since 2/29/2000

Seems like only Yesterday...

I don't post much any more but I do read the board whenever I get a chance..

I think Rich lost a bunch of the original posts when he switched from the first server to his own.

Because I posted a few times before I became a member..

Are you THE "John Foster"?!!?


I was wondering what you've been up to just the other day! How are you, Stacey and Susan? Post a recent picture of Susan, it's been a year at least since the last one!
I posted on 3/15/2000 but funny enough I've only gotten to 619 posts...I guess people have more to say than I.

Like John I visit almost everyday, but don't post as much as I used to. John it's good to hear from you. I guess the Canadian was early to jump on the band wagon.

Can't believe I've been hanging around this site that long......

Total Posts - 423

First Post - 7/24/2000 9:19:19

Last Post - 8/4/2004 6:22:15
Since 4/29/2000....a few weeks after buying my PC175...and reading this board on almost a daily basis......It's still the best group particpating board on the web!!!