Beating Myself Up

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Scott Smith

Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2002
Reaction score
When I returned home after taking my kids to the ortho yesterday, I decided to take a run out to St Clair and do some late afternoon and evening fishing. The lake was beautiful, with a slight chop; nothing compared to Sundays 3 - 4 foot rollers during the tournament my partner and I fished.

I returned to the scene that failed us during the tournament Sunday. From 5:30 to about 8:30, I fished an area no larger than about 1/2 acre and managed to catch and release about 30 smallies, the largest 6 easily would have placed my partner and I in the top 5 of Sundays tourney. Oh the pain and frustration I put myself through last night. It felt so damn good, I may just have to do it again today.
...and they say Criminal's always return to the scene...ahaha...better add "Fishermen" to that profile too!!

You're my hero!!!

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