battery life question

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Kenny Guess

Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2006
Reaction score
About how long does your "starter" battery last? It seems to me that about 2-3 years is the limit. Probably a good idea to buy a new one every 2 years to be safe- what do you think? The worst thing you can do to a battery is not use it....and keep distilled water in cells.....
Starter batteries in cars should last at least three years if not five plus years. Since the starter batteries in boats are a lot like the ones in cars, I would expect the same. I've had my PT175 for two and a half years and so far so good. The trolling battery, on the other hand, crapped out on me at less than two years. I wouldn't think you would need to invest in a new starter every two years if its properly cared for (i.e., maintained at optimal water/acid levels and not allowed to discharge too deeply or completely drained). Buying a new one every two years seems like a lot of $$$ for battery insurance. Maybe you can just load test it once a year at the start of fishing season?
My last Starter Battery lasted 6 years. When not using any of the Batteries for more than a month or 2 I always put a trickle charge on them. Do you keep your batteries in the Boat during the off season? If so, is the Boat stored outside? Biggest thing I can say is keep them off the floor of the Garage. Mother Earth will suck them dry!

My .02

Max <><
We don't have an "off season" here on the Gulf Coast. I actually fish more in winter than summer since it gets sooooo hot down south. So I keep the battery in the boat but do use a trickle charger when it sits for more than 2 weeks. And my boat is kept in a garage.....Kenny:D