Battery Compartment Crud

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Larry Harp

Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2002
Reaction score
For some time now I've been noticing a white powdery crud (oxidation I assume) forming on the walls of the area around the battery on my PT-185. It's starting to get worse and really concerns me. I never see any signs of either battery boiling over and I'm careful not to overfill the batteries. I do leave the Guest charger plugged in all the time with it in the maintenence mode. I guess I have several questions I hope you all can help me with.

1. What's the best way to clean the oxidation without getting in my bilge pump and fouling it up?

2. What's causing this to happen, is there something wrong with my battery or is this a problem with all tin boats?

3. What can I do to prevent it in the future? Is there some kind of sealer or something that will slow it down?

Thanks for any advice that you may have.

Harpo, Do you keep the Batt Compartment lid open while charging? Maybe you could put a sacrificial diode in batt compartment.
Harpo - I've got the same issues. I believe that when I'm running my boat, especially in rougher water, some battery acid may leak out (afterall, the batteries aren't completely sealed). In addition, there may be some gaseous discharge during charging that may condense on the walls of the boat's battery compartment. In order to neutralize the white crud (which is dried acid), I use a solution of baking soda and water. I know it works when the solution bubbles up on hitting the white crud. The off-gassing is the by-product of the acid/neutralizing solution reaction (keep the area well ventilated and far from any open flames or sparks!!). Best to take out the batteries first and cover all the wires up. After you're done, rinse the area thoroughly with water. I do this about once a year or so in my driveway with the plug out so that the water runs out and minimizes any stuff that may go through the bilge pump. As a result, the aluminum in the battery compartment seems fine.

batteries, when charging emit a gas, it attaches to nearby metal, over a long period of time it will eat a small hole in the aluminum. It took 2 1/2 years for it to occur in mine. i used a battery product from napa to remove it, when the spray come into contact with acid it turns pink so you know when you have it all up. it also leaves a coating to prevent futher buildup. baking powder will also work to clean it up but it wont help future buildup.

I have used the baking soda and water to clean it, and it works pretty good. I have taken it out the drive way when I did that, but I have ended up with some rust color stain on my concrete driveway after washing the batteries with the baking soda/water solution. I am having some difficult time to get rid of those stains. So, if anyone has any advice on how to take out the stain from the driveway, please let me know.

I did use some water to rinse the driveway after the cleaning, but I guess I didn't do it completely.

Sprinkle Iron Out on the area, cover all the spot and just let nature remove the powder and stain.
I've noticed the whitish coloring on the aluminum wall closest to the batteries in my PT175, but thought it was just the aluminum doing it's natural oxidation. I'm gonna check it out further now. Thanks for the info! :)
Hi Cqbaker,

Sorry fo my ignorance. But could you please tell me where I can get the "Iron Out"? I have never heard of this product, so I am not sure where to look. Will any auto parts store, or Wally world have it?

Thanks for all the responses guys. I didn't know about a product to remove the crud so I'll have to check that out.

Eric. I'm not sure about Iron Out but it sounds like CLR which I know is available at the grocery store.

I have well water with lots of iron in it. If any gets on the concret pads around the house it leaves a very good stain. At Wally World or any store like it you should be able to find "Iron Out". It normally come in a white plastic bottle and is a powder. All I do is sprinkle it on the stain and walk off, works very well if the weather calls for light rain.

Hope this helps.

If you can't find any send me an E-mail and I will help you out.
Scuff it with scotchbrite and tape everything off and spray it with the duplicolor truck bed coating,stops the chaulking and moisture problems too...