Battery Chargers!!!

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Sue DeLelys

Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2001
Reaction score
Hello all!

I have just gotten the word from our Sales dept that we have some chargers that need to be sold. The case of the charger is changing, and we need to make room in the warehouse.

Boy, do I sound like a car dealer or what???

The bottom line is this. As a special offer to the members and friends of members of the NTOW, Guest is offering a limited quantity of brand new 2745 battery chargers with a full 2-year warranty for $200.00 plus shipping. These are 3 bank chargers with 15 amps to each battery and will charge 12, 24 or 36-volt systems with recovery in 3-4 hours. They normally retail for up around $500.00.

If you are interested, or know someone who is, call me toll free at Guest at 1-888-483-7865 ext 135 between 8 AM and 4:30 PM EDT.

Thanks and have a great day!

Sue D.

Will the third bank do alright on a Cranking battery? (as opposed to a DeepCycle?).

How much do you estimate shipping to be?

Sue - Kinda wish I didn't already have one installed. Paid the premium for it when I bought the boat new. Works great and I love it. Never a worry with that 15 amp.

Thanks for the offer.
if i only didnt have a 2630 that has worked flawlessly for 5 years id jump on that.
Me! Thanks for the encouragement. Sorry to hear about the boat, but very happy to hear from you!

Sim, The 15 amps would be fine on the cranking battery and will only give the battery as much charge as it needs. We ship by Fed Ex from zip code 06450 and charge only shipping costs, no handling fee and the shipping weight is 17 lbs.


What a GREAT time to be broke.

The ONE time I'm not a day late....and I'm still a dollar short.

Sue--I will call when I get my Christmas club money (merry Christmas to me) to see if you have any left.

Thanks for the offer.
Can't go wrong there. That's an awesome deal.

Sue, I just left you a voicemail. Sorry I missed your call last night.
Sue Save one for me. (Not Me!, but me Robert) I just got home. If you need info this weekend call at on my cell at 904-219-1885. Or post that I can wait till Monday. If Monday comes and you have not heard from me by 9 am., call me cause I am getting old and forgot a lot of things. lol Robert

Not a problem, I will keep one with your name on it. I will not be in on Monday as I am heading out to a Dealer Show in Toronto. I will return on Tuesday. Talk to you then.

Sue D.
Sounds like a great deal Sue!!! Can I share this deal with the Bass Club members at our meeting Tuesday?
Yes, Please do. I still have plenty of chargers left.

Maybe I should do a countdown of how many remain, you know, like QVC!

Sue D.
Any more interested before I make the offer on other sites?

Yes, Please put me down for one.
I am interested buy the timing is off, just had a tranny go out in our secondary car...

I still have mine as a spare...I'm saving it!!! Would love another one for a spare-spare, but I'm low on cash at the moment...and Julie's B-day is in 2 weeks!! (She'd be pist if she got a charger for her 15th B-day!!) :eek:)

Toronto is a great city!! Was up there for a shoot a couple of years past. Very nice and fun place!!!!!

Guys, don't be fooled! She offered this deal to BFHP too. She acts like she loves us, but then goes and lets those boneheads in on "our" deal. Shame on her :)
Steve & Carlos,

Toronto was great,at least the little bit I saw. I spent my time at the Expo hall doing a Marine Dealer Trade show


Still waiting for your call! BTW, what you doing over on the BFHP checking on the Swap & Sell page?

Sue--- Sounds like you get a "charge" from talking about "chargers".

"Good thing we can charge chargers."

L O L :>))

Don't work too hard!

"May the force be with you"

I have an onboard charger already that came with the boat. I simply have no need for another, though 15 amps on all 3 batteries would be nice... :(
Mike -

I used to see Sue posting over on the BFHP long before this site even existed.

I remember Sue's first post here.

I am thankful that she has become such an active Member!

She adds so very much to this board!

Sue contributes to all our lives!

Thank you, Sue!

I just went searching in the archives for that first post..... Couldn't find it..... I guess that, somewhere along the line, some of the oldest data got lost.....

I remember asking Sue if she were the same Sue from Guest that posted over at the BFHP..... She answered "yes" - almost embarrassed to do so..... She didn't want to come here and spam our site..... She just wanted to contribute.....

She is also always one of the first to raise her hand to volunteer to help others anytime a request is posted.....

I keep coming back to edit and re-edit and re-edit..... Every time I think I've said enough, more comes to mind..... I can't begin to say enough positive things about Sue!

God Bless Sue and her Family!

Settle down Scott... I'm just poking fun at her and I'm pretty sure she knows it.