Bassarama... worst ever

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Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2005
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Stopped by Bassarama Saturday night, after working at Greentop this weekend. Wow. I know it's been going downhill over the past 10+ years, but this was it's all time worst. They only took up two buildings, and if they REALLY wanted to, I think they could have crammed it all into one, and had room to spare. I don't know how much they charged for booth space this year, but there were VERY few manufacturers reps there, and I'd gamble that a 1/4 of the stuff there, if not more, wasn't even bass fishing related. I saw tours, home improvement, jewelry, food, etc... It's not even a fishing show any more - it's a flea market. People that did have booths were running "show specials". Hmmmm.... remember the days when you went to a show and everything was a "show special"??? Heck, the stuff that was there was the same price / more expensive than some stores. If you took the boat dealerships out of there, it would have taken 3 to 5 minutes to walk through every vendor. Sad. Very, very sad.

All the best,

Glenn - I didn't even go this weekend, as in years past it wasn't worth the effort. Did go to the Fredericksburg Expo Boat Show yesterday but found it minimal as well. According to many exhibitors the crowds were way down. However, they did sell a potful of boats and jetskis. I think that too many of the "big boys" come and show off their $200K and up cruisers for the Potomac and not enough of the smaller pleasure craft. I also found that the big Sportsman Show in Harrisburg has started to go the same way as Bassarama and I stopped going to that one as well.

Greentop is still pretty good (for now) but I think there isn't enough of a draw to have people drive down from NOVA or up from the of Ashland. MHO

Vendor feedback was good. There were a lot of people buying but overall attendance was down. May be the state of the industry. With the internet and BPS/Cabelas/Gander Mountain/Dick's/Academy and on and on.....,there's no real need to go to the shows. You can wait for the retail sales and go to the store OR.....have it shipped to your door via internet sales.

I agree with Toxic, I think the internet has had the biggest impact on the shows and small retailers. Heck I bought my last boat on line other than signing the paperwork and picking it up. I went to the Bassarama this year and stopped by Greentop as well, was not impressed with either, so probably will be my last year unless I hear better reports in the future.

Guys - I think internet sales has had a MAJOR impact on the shows... BUT there is still nothing better than "touchy - feely" (no, not that way Tox!) and getting to look at and really look at quality and craftmanship. Yeah, I'll buy the same Plfueger President Spinning Reel from BPS or Gander since I have a few but would I buy a Johnny Morris reel if I hadn't looked at it and tried it. Generally not. Same goes with terminal tackle. Who cares what a drop shot sinker looks and feels like (unless you are into lead or tungsten). If I am going to spend my money I want to see it. A Senko is a Senko. Unless you use the same rod I would only buy one if had had tried it first.

Always remember - Carpe Diem (has nothing to do with catching carp!)
I stopped going to the Atlanta boat show 2 years ago, partly because my connection at Nitro/Tracker for free tickets doesn't work there anymore LOL and that the number of bass/fishing boats has shrunk considerably!

I agree on the Internet sales of not just boats, but ebay as well as the on-line tackle stores to allow us to sit at home in the cold and order all the stuff we need/want!

I also notice that other boat brands are getting on the national pricing concept from Tracker - Stratos boats for instance now in their brochures announces packaged priced deals!

I'd love to see more of the local tackle stores and independant lure manufacteres comming to these local shows, so I could see them and buy them.

Yes, I agree that the online shopping experience has greatly impacted the "shows". However, there are still tons of people (me included) that would like to come to these shows and see all the major manufacturers with booths - Pflueger, Daiwa, Shimano, Abu, Quantum, All the boats, engines, trolling motors, electronics, etc... All of the lure manufacturers, etc... I can remember when I first started going to these shows, it was to "put hands on" something I had seen in a catalog, heard about from a friend, etc... Even today - I have ordered tons of things from online sites, only to be severely disappointed when it arrived at my house. On the flipside, I have seen friends with lures that I "never would have bought" after seeing them online, but once I saw them in person, I thought "oooohhhh... so THAT is what that lure looks like", and then ran out and bought some. I miss that. My first year going to Bassarama, I had to make trips to my truck because I couldn't carry all the stuff I bought. Some of it turned out to be junk, some of it turned out to be treasure. I miss those shows very much. I know there are other shows that accomplish what I am looking for, but unfortunately, they aren't in my area, and I havn't been able to make it out to them.

I think "Bassarama" is self-killing. Every year, attendance gets worse. In turn, manufacturers or dealers say "it's not worth it", so they don't go the following year. Word gets out that it is getting smaller and smaller, thus, less people attend the following year, causing even more dealers / manufacturers to say "it's not worth it". It's a vicious self-defeating cycle. I'm wondering if the promoter is charging more and more every year, due to the smaller and smaller groups attending (have to make their money somehow). That, in itself, probably would run off a large group.

One thing that was interesting to see was the "quarter grab". Thanks for the entertainment TOX. Cost me a few quarters out of my pocket that night due to my son's insistance. :lol:

All the best,

The shows around here have too many "outfitters" in & not enough manufacturers & dealers like Glenn said so I also have stopped going to them :angry:
Glenn - I don't know about Bassarama but the Fredericksburg Show "spaces" went up over 50% from the previous year. You gotta sell a lot of stuff JUST to break even. The less exhibitors the more it costs to have a booth. Vicious circle.
Yep. I wouldn't be suprised to see those shows completely gone within the next few years. Shame. Crying shame. :( I wish I owned or had access to a building large enough to house all of those vendors and companies. I'd organize a show, not charge a dime for admission, and try to work it out with the vendors that we charged just enough for a booth to cover the electric bill for the weekend. But those are just pipe dreams unfortunately.

All the best,

Never been to Bassarama - sorry to have missed its heyday. Went to the Baltimore boat show last weekend and what an incredible disappointment! You could check out either $100,000 + cruisers for the bay or a smattering of jet skis. Not one decent boat in the 17 to 20 foot range, except a few Sting-rays, and none of those for fishing. Very deceptive in my view when they had poster size pictures of a couple of guys fishing out of a high performance aluminum rig (looked like an Xpress, but hard to tell).

I would have loved to gone to a real show that had more for variety. Sounds like those are disappearing fast - sigh . . .
I agree with all of you, BASSARAMA has been a waste of time for years. Used to be it was something fun to do, not worth ths gasoline to get there and back, much less price of admission. I got more stuff in my basement than they have at the show.
i went and saw a few of the guys, but you guys are right, it sucked this year and the last few. I dont see myself going back next year, i will probably just go fishing.

mike c