Bass Spawn (amazing sight)

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Michael Snow

Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2002
Reaction score
I was working the Spring Fishing Classic at BPS Saturday. In the "hawg trough", all of the fish were on one side of the tank (it's kind like two saddle tanks with a corridor in between). The left tank was empty except for a couple of bucks and an opportunistic bluegill in his log (the caretaker said he started off as food but managed to dodge the predators and uses the log for protection). At some point during the day, a BIG female (10+ pounds easily) moved over on that side. She was ready to pop. Every few minutes, she'd go into a series of twitches, almost like minor convulsions. One of the anglers watching said it was like contractions in humans. Her egg sack hadn't busted yet and one of the males kept right with her, trying to help her through the process. It was rather sweet. Whenever the other buck would get too close, he'd get speared by the mating buck. I figure she's spawned out by now, and I wish I had a video camera to set up to film the ritual. That should make for a good selling video... or at least one of high interest if available on the net. Crystal clear water, no more than a few feet away from the glass... just an amazing sight.
I think it's amazing how many eggs a big female like that will's mind boggeling. If you stop and think about too...that's why I think Dale Hollow smallmouth population has boomed so much. The big females are staying in the lake where they belong instead of on the wall or actually table fare from alot of these people that just didn't want to change.

I panfish too and I don't keep a lot of females in crappy or bluegill.You don't want to overdue it either with the big males but, the females are the ones that reproduce.

What's very surprising about your comments, is how that plays with what they have been telling us here in Charlotte, in regards to the 'tanks' in the stores.

Supposedly, they keep those tanks at a constant temperature (not sure what it is), and never change it. Therefore, that is supposed to virtually eliminate any spawning, and the development of the eggs.

Just wondering if someone is not following guidelines, or maybe put a hawg in there that was already 'full' - so to speak.

I bet, it was interesting to watch.

Years ago, I worked in Dallas at American Airlines, in their old HDQ bldg. Behind the building were three 'ponds', with a strem running through each. One spring, we got to watch the entire ritual from the third floor. The male building the nest; soliciting the female; then fertilizing and protecting the nest. Very fascinitating.

Remember, water temp is only one factor of spawning. I have no doubt they would spawn. I watched a female in the tank at BPS Baltimore this weekend act like she wanted to start spawning. Lunar phases and other factors weigh heavily also.

Some bass (and other tank dwellers) spawn, however many do not. The tanks are usually regulated to below 70 deg. temp., depending on occupants. (Location oriented.) The ones that do spawn will rarely have any visible evidence as the fry are wiped out pretty quick by their "room mates". (LOL!)
No doubt that a small mouth had already spawned. There were fry in there and the keeper told me they were from the smallie.