Bass Culling Systems

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Blair Allen

Jul 27, 2004
Reaction score
Not that this is usually a big concern for me in tournaments, but what does everybody use for a culling system or to separate their bass from their partners fish?

I have the system from bass pro that uses the stringer type clips and the quick-cull system which I don't like because the clips are so big and bulky.

Looking for some ideas for a new system.
I use the bass tags by bag-em. I like the clips and they dont fall off. I also have a devided livewell so keeping fish seperate isnt a concern. ONe thing i really like abou tthe livewell in my 882 is the black color, the fish stay calm when i open the lid because its so dark in there.
Safety Bins, You know the kind they use to use on diapers.

Color the heads what ever color you want. Use the larger size ones. Color the heads if you want to keep two peoples fish in the same livewell.
One of my big tournament beefs is sticking a fish again AFTER you catch it as well as having to handle the fish 3 or 4 times before it gets released. I don't tournament fish but somebody tell me the DIS-Advantages to the Glory bag system.....I know the maker and he would like to know also. This system has also proven to eliminate "fizzing" on deep caught smallies......

Tox i agree on resticking a a fish. Thats why i use the clips and they work pretty good. My only question on the bags is what happens when you have to put a fish on the balance beam? If you have to remove it from the bag many times during the day dosent that sort of defeat the purpose? That is the only place where i can really see the bags not working too well. other then that it seems like a good idea. The only other thing i see is most guys will balk at the cost.

Also how does it eliminate the need for fizzing a bloated fish? Im very interested in how it works because it is a problem and i hate to see people stick a needle in these fish. If this is a better way im all for it.
I assume the bags dont remove the slime coat? is that correct toxic?

The bags have a special rubberized coating that does not remove the slime. The bag should be wet before you put the fish in.

Even I have had scales in the bottom of my wells when I make long runs, this is from the fish getting banged together...not so with the bags.

The bags have eyelets on both sides of the bag (you load and unload the fish headfirst so that fins/scales and gills don't catch) so instead of hanging the fish on the beam, you hang the bag (with the fish in it)on the beam. It also allows you to reach in and grab the bag without chasing a fish all over the well or yanking them out by the cull float. Pinning them causes another hole in the lip and the longer the pin is in, the bigger the hole will get. It is even worse with the floats because there is resistance there.

Trep, "fizzing" is where you puncture a fishs swim bladder that has been caught in deep water. If you don't they will float belly up and die.

Although I don't TX fish (other than the charity tournaments), I take fish back to the marina for pictures and the better I can release them the better.


It is believed that stress plays a big part of the bloating process. To test it out, Tommy took the bags and went to St. Clair/Erie and caught smallmouth in about 40 foot of water. Some he put in the bag others he didn't...the ones free swimming in the livewell bloated the ones in the bags didn't. Plain as that. Tommy Ball is as honest as the day is long. If he says that is what happened, it is what happened. He also has a pro using the bags and he reported the same results.

So do all the bags weigh the same? When you beam a fish its normally because the weights are so close. If one bag weighs more then another it could skew the measurement. I personally really like the idea. Im all for taking care of the fish as good is i possibly can and these bags may make that even better. I would love to try a set but 70 bucks is pretty steep if i didnt like how they operate.

Tox, what about a fish that is already bloated, would the bag be heavy enough to get them not floating and let them release the gas naturally in a holding tank? If it did that would be better then sticking them in my opinion.

I have never really had any issues with bloated fish personally, they stay pretty calm in my dark wells and i do take good care of them so bloating has never been a problem but i do see it at local tournies.
All the bags weigh exactly the same so the beam will work. If it reduces the fish mortality rate it is worth it.

BTW, I am not sponsored by them. I just think it is a good idea and I met Tommy at a couple of shows.

I totally understand the cost issue. On one hand reducing fish mortality is worth something, on the other hand $70.00 is a lot of scratch for a culling system. The pro that Tommy provided the bags to is still using them 3 years later with no visable wear. He keeps then in the livewell so they are constantly wet. He does take them out and clean them (we don't want fungus on the fish!!).

If there is enough interest, I will contact Tommy and see if I can't get a group buy. Let me know.

Tox... I'm in for a group buy... Anything that helps with mortality issues... I'm ionstalling the electrolisis oxygenartor sytem in my back well... And, I'm considering a cooler based recirculator...
Dem dere eyes are a different deal. I will have to look at the site and see what the length limitation is on the fish/bags...Walleyes are longer than bass and that might pose a problem. Now that I think about it, Tommy showed how you can leave a longer fish's tail out of the bag and still use them. I'll check it out. The bags have clips integrated in the bottom that hold them open so there is no pressure on the fish's gills (I'm tellin you, this guy has thought of everything) but a monster bass/walleye might have too much girth to go in the bag. I'll check that also.

I to use the clip but i stick them a new hole. would rather not but i have had problems with fish getting clip all twisted up in the jaw and lost a couple so now i feel a little hole that will regrow is better
If it doesn't get infected or fungus when you toss them back at the end of the day.........

Not bustin on ya, there's just no reason not to use these bags....excepy maybe the cost...but in the long run even that is a value.
