bass club logo

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chris acuff2

Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2004
Reaction score
I am starting a new bass club in Missouri, which we have called MoBass,

I was wonderingif anybody out there knows of or has a ideal where to find pictures or samplings of bass logos? We really don't want the old bass jumping logo.

I created a simple logo for the bass club I use to fish with based out of Bolivar, but, it's the old bass jumping logo. Sorry.

Where is your club going to be based out of? What lakes are you preferring to fish and is it going to buddy bass or draw type??
You don't have to use a bass picture at all. What about a logo using the name of the club?

The tournaments will all be held at lake of the ozarks, its buddy and we decided to open it to everybody. We felt there were to many $135 pluss tournaments and decided to have a $60 dollar tournament so everybody can afford to fish. there is a $10 fee and 3 tournament minnium thatt has to be fish to make the fish off.Thanks for your replys:D
My club just "commissioned" a starving local artist to design one.

He must have fallen on hard times with all the G.M. stuff thats been happening, he sure didn't look like he was starving last time I saw him. :eek: :D:D

Sorry Mac, I know ...PAYBACKS.:blink:

Craig - You SEEN Mac lately?? There is NO WAY that dude is STARVING!!!! BBBWWAAAAAA
Now that is what i am talking about for a logo. Do you still think he starving????:lol:
