Bananas in a Boat

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Pat Goff

Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2003
Reaction score
Just to clarify on the earlier messages...

If you've ever spent time around sea captains/charter skippers, etc, you'll find out really quick that bananas are just not allowed on board.

It's bad voodoo, pure and simple. If you want to think you're smarter than the fish gods, go right ahead, but if you think you're gonna peel one of those stanky things in my boat, you'll do it on the bank.
Hahahaha...I think it originated with the ships that used to carry banannas over from the tropics got infested with tartantula's (some of which are quite poisionous). Bad Mojo...very bad Mojo!!


We are a very "tolerant" group... Heck, we even have one member, Teri, she has an entire "Banana Boat"...

However, at no time are they alowed on my boat during any serious fishing trip.... I'm no fool!
Here's the story....

There are many stories why bananas have been thought of as bad luck on boats. This is only one of the nautical superstitions that I know of and is particularly prevalent amongst watermen. Many stories have banana oil rubbing off on ones hands and
No, but if you email a bannana to 10 friends, your wish will be granted in 6 months.
Is that a banana in your pocket or are your just happy to .............?

Bananafonamomemoman Banana!!!

Teri, Teri, Foferi, momemymomeri, Teri...
This is the sickest lot of degenerate reprobates that have ever been amalgamted into a single place on the net... This bunch could shock a Howard Stern Show guest panel!
I really worry about you people. I sure wish summer would get here.

JR's usin big words, he must have a fever and is talkiing in tounges!!LOL Get out the rattlesnakes, I'm ready to dance!!

Teri, hang a bunch of bananna's on the boat and outfish them all!!
