bad ending to a great day fishing

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Thomas Macaluso

Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2000
Reaction score
I when out yesterday to prefish a lake for a tournament that my club is having on Sunday . I had a great day ,caught numerous fish including a 2
Dude,...that's hilarious!! Bummer about the Trolling motor,..but that's fixable. The blow to your pride will take a little longer to heal!! Especially since your buddy will CONSTANTLY remind you about it everytime you go fishing together!!:angry::lol:

Funny story!!


What a klutz!! :lol:

Tom, I slipped on an alge-covered ramp once while I was pulling hard to crank my boat the last few inches onto my trailer..... Hit myself on the crank handle and broke 2 ribs. I don't know which would be more painful - 2 broken ribs or having a buddy for a witness! :lol:
Great story, bad news on the troller. You might be able to straighten it enough to use. Was the water warm?


Now that thar is funny...I don't care who ya' are:p

Glad you wasn't hurt;)
Happy you weren't hurt Tom but boy that's funny.:lol::lol::lol: And, by the way, I know what fishin' curse it is.:rolleyes: If I were you I'd certainly do the "Good Mornin'" thread Sunday morning..

Tom! - Man you should give a warning like " do not attempt to have any food or beverages in your mouth, while reading this post", I almost spit all over my monitor. BWAHAHA:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Dang Tom.....that is funnier than h*ll!!! I think you went above and beyond any curse that I could have placed on you!! Where's the video camera when you're spinning around in a circle?!?!?

Is this what I have to look forward to next week on Champlain with you??? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't know about youse guys and gals.......but I keep a spare change of clothes in my truck for such incidents....and have used them!!

Bob G.
I can see that as clearly as if I was there. ROTFLMAO. Hope the tourny goes good because you are the topic of conversation for the next 4 years.

Da Bear
Wasssa big deal? That's a typical day on the lake for me.;)

Tom, last month at Anna after I put non skid tape on my trailer the week before I slipped and fell in because I did not put the tape in the proper place on the trailer. And at Spruce Run last night I almost fell again. Guess what I will be doing this weekend? Good luck on Sunday.

Tom, When it rains, it pours. Man, that was a funny story.


If it's a MK, the shaft is covered under warranty. Good luck in the tourney.

I bet that blast off has got to be INTENSE.

"BOAT #3........ GO!"
