Backing up a 640LX

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byron cooley

Well-Known Member
May 24, 2004
Reaction score
I have a 04' 640LX / 75 Opti -- No problems going forward but it really is a ***** to back-up. Is there a certian way to trim the motor to make the boat steer in reverse?? Maybe the squared off transom is the problem. Any body else with this problem?? I have owned several other boats and they all steered well in reverse. Is the 640LX to wide in the rear?? How about a small jackplate for some set-back, Will that help??
None do...mine sucks in reverse:) I just give er' hell:)
Even at a creep the 640 is a hassel to turn in reverse. With my old rig, I was able to pull up to a dock with the bow and hit reverse and pull the transom to the dock -- not even possible with the 640LX. It wants to swing the bow too much.
Hey that is a pretty lil' rig:) Like the colors and chrome..BIG fan of chrome!

Take that stock TM mount off and put ya'a Gator on:)
Go ahead and use the pictures all you want. I should change the pics, There have been a few mods since those pics the day of delivery. How you like the pic out the back window of the van of the boat going down the freeway?? My daughter had to take that one on the way home from the dealer. Any body else have the little (ha-ha 350lb) Opti on thier 640LX.
My bad! I just hade to overcome earlyheimers and remember I had a logon... my pic doesn't show off the color nearly as well as yours.
Hey Dave, How does your 75 classic push the 640LX. Even with the extra weight of the Opti mind does 46-47 gps at 5700-5800rpm. Gets right up on the pad in a matter of seconds and handles real well. The only problem with the big Opti is the wash over the transom if you don't trim right when stopping.
The better it goes forward, the worse it goes in reverse.

My 700LX is a pig in reverse, too.

Once upon a time, I had a boat with a Merc Bravo 3 outdrive (dual counter rotating props). I didn't appreciate that boat enough. It went exactly where you pointed it, forward or reverse.

Yamaha's TRP does the same thing. You loose a few MPH on the top end because of the drag of two props, but the manuervability is a huge upgrade.

Hey Dave, my 929 goes real shallow and I've got the scratches to prove it!!LOL!! Regularly fish in 1.5-2 ft with no bottom dragging.

Haven't had mine out solo yet. The wife doesn't like that, allways a passenger. I think that it might be a couple mph faster.