Backing off the trailer

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Rick Hale

Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2003
Reaction score
Olathe, KS
OK--OK---OK--Took 3 of my grandsons and daughter out for their 1st ride on the boat on Sunday-Great Day for me--

Ok-Ok-OK--I did a great job backing in the boat-- OK--OK--motor started -- real quit 4-stroke -- OK--OK--put it in rev.--started to move--then stopped --- Backed the boat in farther---Hit the gas -- still no go--daughter and wife pushing --OKOKOK -- motor racing--

Hook backup the bow strap-- pulled the boat out -- OK-OK--OK-- everyone at the ramp watch me remove the TRANSON SAVER__(the type that connects to the trailer and bungy cord on the motor),,... Even I had to laugh.. :>)

Everyone had a great day on the beach and water..

HaleDamage------------------------------Rick Hale

"remove the transon saver when you unhook the tie-downs"
I've done it with the tiedowns twice. Never the transom saver. I forgot to put the plug in once. On the way back down the ramp after having parked, the ramp attendant decided he wanted to chat for a spell. Well, when I finally looked at my boat I thought to myself how I didn't realize how low it sat in the water. Then I stepped in. Squash. Hurry back up the ramp to get the truck. Put the boat back on and pull it out and drain it. I felt like a big ol' glummox. I heard Steve Erwin say that word and laughed my head off.
Almost let the boat slide off the trailer coming out one time. Have left the plug out several times. The worst one was at Tenkiler where 10' from the ramp you're in 50' of water and 10' more feet your in 80'. Seeing THAT on the depthfinder puts the hurryup in the holycrapgettheplugbackinasfastasyoucan effort.

I usually screw up when I get out of my routine. Like when some well intentioned person wants to "help".

been there too with the plug, glad i am in fiberglass, it darn near takes a lifetime to git er to the point of bein nervous about flotation :) Sorry tin guys, that is one thing we fiber fans have on you - we take a lot longer to sink ;-)

Two weeks ago I fished with a buddy and when we got to the ramp he forgot to remove one of his rear straps, it was quite the predicament because his boat floated his trailer up, we were turned sideways and couldn;t get aligned with the trailer, and well quite frankly, we were [---] THIS close to jumping in to fix it -- quite a memorable situation!

On CIII's last boat, the owner forgot to take the saver off before the test drive and crunched a lower unit (it flipped back into the prop). Be careful. Little mistakes can mean big $$!!

And put a big, red "LANYARD" sticker by the ignition switch.

Somewhere down the line..... Even if you've done it before, you WILL do it again..... You'll have the lanyard out of the ignition cut-off and sit there cranking and cranking and cranking..... While someone like Greg Meyer is sitting there laughing his head off at you!

Right, Mr. Meyer?!!? :)
I usally use a copy of the "Check list for new Boaters" that I printed off from this sites "grab bag".. Has really helped.

Good Luck HaleDamage------------------------Rick Hale

Hey Rich-- Tried to get into some of the "Grab Bag" stuff this morning-- got a message "URL NOT FOUNd" ??

Not all tin boats sink...

I fished for 3hours in my TV-18 with the plug out...

Small lake...never started the outboard...

Could not tell that the boat had any water in it...until I put it back on the trailer!!! It shot water out the drain hole for about 10 minutes!!!

haven't done that again, but it's nice to know it's not going to sink...LOL

That's funny, I know instantly in my PT-185. Water starts bubbling up through the floor drains. Looks like a sewer backup.

i forgort the plug in a tourny last yr, i launched early and beached the boat while i got set up. i didn't relize i left it out untill the boat was sitting about three inches to low. i had to go swimming at 6:30am to put the plug in, then wathced the bilge pump run for about 15 minuted.

i wont do that again for a while.

I just did a good one two weeks ago at a tourney. When i was getting ready to put in the water i got distrqacted and forgot to unhook on of the rear straps. One was fine the other still hooked up. when another club member backed me in the boat just did a 360 when it came off the traler. I dont think i will live that one down for a while.
Been there, done that... Tie downs and plug. Replaced spark plugs in the rain on the water when kill switch was on!

Rich D
Cancled a weekend trip and came home early when the boat wouldn't start because it wasn't in neutral.

OK after reading all of these, MAYBE, Just Maybe that old blond joke about the trailer still attached to the baliner might be TRUE!!! LOL

Done the plug, keys at home in the othe vehicle, kill switch, tie downs but the Transom saver, thats a tough one!!!

Gotta remember to take it ALL off!!
I may be sorry for asking..or not..dunno yet...

Whats teh blonde and teh bayliner joke?

Also just a couple of weeks ago I got on the water and forgot about the plug....and then the control box fowled up...just a bad on the water...actually it wasn't I caught some fish...
I was fishing a Federation tournament back in April. One of the guys forgot to unhook one strap. He realized it when the boat did a 360, like Jim B, but his partner didn't hear him yelling 'Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!' The boat got drug up the ramp behind the trailer a ways and tore up the motor. I think we all understood and closed our ears at the next few things he said rather loudly.
Yes, tox is right. I do nto use the rubber strap on my transom saver becuse of his expensive mistake.
