Back at work - Vacation ended bad.

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Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2005
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Well, all the fun came to an end Friday night.

We had a fiasco between my daughter from a previous marriage (we don't talk) being invited to the wedding / reception. My sisters decided on their own (two of them) that they were going to get us talking again. None of their business, and I'm pissed at what they did. Very tense situation for everyone involved, and it didn't accomplish anything but dang near giving my dad an anxiety attack.

Saturday morning we were bound and determined to get the hell out of there and get back home. 40 minutes into the trip - serpentine belt breaks. We pull over at a gas station (it's a pain trying to wrestle a Jeep with no power steering off of a highway). Found out why it broke - bolts for the water pump sheered off at the block. Got it towed to a Jeep dealership, rented a car, and three hours later - back on the road.

Showed up at home at 9pm vice 5pm. Safe, but not happy at the whole ordeal.

Dealer called this morning. Found the problem. The last time my wifes Jeep was in for service, they had the heads removed (valve problems). When they re-installed everything, they cross threaded the bolts for the water pump into the drivers side head. They think that that, coupled with torquing the bolts and the torque from the engine, snapped them. Where one bolt enters the head, it cracked the head. So it needs a new head.

Warranty? Nope. They say the other dealership (Ancira Jeep in San Antonio) needs to pay them for the repairs. If they don't, then it's on me. So I called Ancira Jeep this morning. The service manager is investigating the issue right now. I've had nothing but problems with Ancira Jeep, so this is their chance to redeem themselves.

I've got a migraine this morning. I just want to crawl under a rock.

But I've got my family (wife and son), and we all arrived safely in TX. I'm thankful for that. I'm trying to look on the bright side of things lately. I have to say that this experience brought me and my wife a bit closer together, so there is a silver lining in all this fiasco.

I'm praying that everything gets taken care of with no hassle.

All the best,

Brother, take a deep breath; hold it, then exhale slowly. :)

Y'all made it home safe and you paid your respects with warm wishes for the newlyweds and tried all you can do without any knowledge of the "surprise" the sisters' had in store. You don't choose your family. You just get the pleasure of dealing with what you get. :D Try to focus on the joy and fun y'all had prior to the uproar. Put any ill feelings as far out of your mind as you can. Luckily, you don't have to deal with it across town, just across country when you choose to. "Time heals all wounds." - So they say. (They came up with that prior to a .50 cal hit @ 500yds. though, I bet!! :lol: )

Stay on the dealer that caused the problems. Intentional or not, they should step up and cover what they destroyed. We all know it'll be cheaper for them in the long run. ;)

Now snuggle back in to your beautiful new home and lifestyle you've worked hard to establish for yourself and family and concentrate your efforts there, not in another state. I'm praying for ya! :)
Thank you brother. I appreciate the prayers. Just got off the phone this morning with both Ancira. They say that "if" they were at fault, they will make arrangements for payment, but they want "proof" from the other dealership. He started to mention pictures, etc... I don't want to get in the middle of it. I expected such a reaction from Ancira. His phone call confirmed how I feel about them. They have another 5 star dealership telling them that there is a cross threaded bolt in the water pump that sheared off, and they respond by saying that they want "proof" from the other dealership. :(

Oh well. I'm considering just going buy my wife a new truck this week. Then take the old truck, and put a big sign on it that says "Ancira Jeep in San Antonio screwed up my 2005 Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited, and it no longer runs".... and then just park it in various parking lots - towing it with our new truck (something other than a Jeep). :lol:

All the best,


Hmmm...they did the work and wondering if THEY are at fault?:wacko:

Y'all made it and your fine:cool:
If you get stuck, contact your factory rep. They are your middle man on this sort of issue. Best of luck.

I wish I knew how to contact a factory rep. I've Google searched, called tons of people, and got nowhere the last time I had issues with Ancira. If you happen to have a good number, please pass it along to me, as I'd love to talk to someone who can do something at Chrysler.

All the best,

Sorry to hear about your troubles. Family gatherings are always stressful. Sit back, relax and regroup. You are home and your family is safe. The rest will fall in place.
Sorry to hear about your troubles. Family gatherings are always stressful. Sit back, relax and regroup. You are home and your family is safe. The rest will fall in place.

Yep ill echo that statemant.

I wish i could help you with finding a rep from Chrysler. Qwhen i had my dakota i had a huge overheating problem with my 4.7l in my Dakota that pretty much never got resolved and i made countless calls to them to get a factory tech rep involved to no avail. I must have made over 100 calls to Dodge, i eventually got to frustrated i gave up and dumped it on the Chevy i drive today(this is the truck i should have bought back in 2002). I literlly just lost all energy to persue it and gave up. Keep on them, fight the good fight and make them do the right thing.
Just called the local dealer here. He said to start here if you need to, the customer relations number is 800-992-1997. Good Luck, remember it IS just a car, not your health.
Sorry for all of your trouble Glenn!! Hopefully everything can be worked out in your favor! Hopefully... Sending good wishes

Uncle Billy
I personally know two "professional" mechanics (ASE, etc) that quit at two different Chrysler corp dealerships due to a lack of ethics when it came to customer support, and (I can hear Mac cheering!) went to GM.

That confirmed any suspicions I had.

Glenn, sorry about the family strife. its not as easy to remedy as the mechanical. Hope the next trip, whatever it is, goes better for you.
Thank you all for the well wishes.

Things are going to work out - regardless of which way they go. :)

I'm actually suprised how well things are going this week. I'm having to drive my wife to work and son to day-care, which is an hour out of my way - so I'm showing up for work later than normal. Luckily, I work for a great place and have a flexible work schedule, so I just work later and then go pick them both up. We have enjoyed the last two mornings - talking and joking on the way to work and school. It beats listening to the radio any day. So I guess this was a blessing in disguise.

I'm hoping for good news today, but no matter what the news is - I plan on staying in as positive a mood as I can muster up.

It's a Tuesday.... just a few more days until the weekend. I'm taking my family fishing.

All the best,

great attitude glenn!

Hope things work out.