Attention Craig and the rest of the Pontiac Tracker Service Center

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Scott Smith

Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2002
Reaction score
Just giving you and your fellow employees a "heads up," that I'll be arriving with my boat in-tow sometime this afternoon. I have some minor warranty issues to be attended to.

I know how much some of you look forward to my fall arrival after all we've been through over the past 3 years...!!!LOL..

Please tell Luke that I'll be stopping by too. Probably Saturday morning.

No issues, it's just time to put her away for the winter :eek:(
That sux. Guess we'll have to hook up with Mac for one last time on the water. He said he's gonna try for once more this year.

Winter? Put her up? Come on dude's it's a balmy 78 and breezy down here in north GA today!

Could NOT resist!

Good to see Neely again!

Craig - I bet you guys do a BOOOMING business this time of year with annual maintenance and winterizing!
Put it away? Youre nuts Marke.....the crappie are gonne be snappin in the next weeek or two!


It may be a balmy 78 degrees in Georgia, but that doesn't mean that you will go fishing or even catch one!!!

I couldn't resist!!

Bob G.

It aint put away yet but it's been tough finding time to go. Jill's working at Starbucks and has been working on weekends. It's been in the 30's on the weekends and I don't like to bring the boys out when the weather is that cold. It's been 50's/60's during the week but it's dark when I get out of work...UGH!!!

Jill is working Friday and Sunday this weekend. I could get out on Saturday but I'd have to be home by 3. Craig and Kathy and Mike Weidman and his wife are coming to dinner (Camp Neeley style). If you want to, we can add some Crappie to the menu and set plates at the table for you and Shannon.
Hey Partner, I'm sure if I asked really really really nice, Kathy would watch the boys while we go slay some slabs. She LOVES crappie!


If Saturday goes well, maybe we can work something out for Sunday.


I thought the same exact thing while I was typing...LOL

Actually, Mini dated her more than 3 times. For him that's beyond domesticated....He might as well be MARRIED!!! LOL
Bob G. what did you do, the Nekid COLD dance? Gonna be 28 degree's tonite!!!

Tracker hasen't been out in 4 weeks, due to work and family commitments, gotta get her runing soon!

No nekid cold dancing, that's Rob's job.

We accept winter for what it is in VT and expect wicked low temps. It's supposed to be balmy this weekend in the 20s. Last weekend was in the teens!! Gotta love it!

Bob G.
Won't know for a week or two Carlos....the 3 employees I talked with were all smiles (Craig was one of them), they are some of the good guys. Minor warranty stuff...Craig seemed to think that there would be no problems...