Argh...Being Drivin' up the wall...LITERALLY!

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Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2002
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They are are remodeling our Building here at the base and the construction workers with their drills hanging drywall are driving me nuts!:wacko:

Building #1 where I'm at is the oldest bulding on the base...constructed in 1917:)
Tee I know what you mean. When I got my first IT job out of college I packed the family up and moved to the new city. One of the conditions on keeping my new job was that we( a class of new hires) had to pass a 9 week pressure course designed to bring you up to speed on the companies practices and also see how you did under the pressure. We were given tests every Friday but never given the scores. That is enough pressure right there with your job being on the line and not being told what your grades were. To top it all off the class was being held in a building that was in the process of being torn down. They actually were tearing down the building around our classroom and the bathroom. It was a one story building thankfully. But the sounds of saws, jackhammers, hammers etc was un believable. Occasionally the power would go out during tests just to make it worse. When we were done and graduated finally the people with the highest scores went to the highest pressure programming teams. We only lost two people, one because he didn't pass and the other idiot because he was heard saying that he wasn't sure this was what he wanted to do forever at the graduation dinner. He was walked out of the dinner on the spot and sent packing. It was intense and when we were done the only thing left standing at the building was the classroom and the bathroom.
Well at least the crew is OFF til after the Holidays...THANK GOODNESS!:lol:
Built in 1917..... should have real 2 x 4's in it then, built solid like a rock. Some of those old 2 x 4's are made out of the local timber supplies back then and I have seen buildings with cherry lumber or oak or walnut used in the framing. There is some beautiful lumber hidden in the walls of those old buildings.:)
Actually Bldg.#1 was a train depot station where they stored all of the wares when they still used trains, then about the 50's they converted it to contracting and finance.

Not many 2x4's....mostly concrete and brick with alot of windows at the top in the trainway which is still there.:cool:

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