Are You an OLD FART

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Bill Hamilton

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
Reaction score
COunt me in!I never really liked the terminology "Old Farts"

But this makes me feel better about it.

And if you ain
Very well said Bill.. I would love to be considered an old fart! I don't know why men don't stand at the ball games and/or take off their hats when they play OUR National Anthem!

It's mind boggling to me when we have our yearly 4th of July parade that nobody even stands when the Flag goes past. I shouldn't say "nobody" because ALL of the "old farts" are standing with their hands over their hearts..

I was taught to believe in and behave the same way as Bill in VA. I'm happy that I'm an old fart even though I do cry at the behavior of the generations we left behind.

Thanks Bill, that was great and very well said.. I certainly hope to see you again sometime soon.

Uncle Billy

I've been an old fart for a long time. My upbringing has had me doing all these since I could understand.
Im in,

I guess Ive been an old fart since I was born, since thats how I was raised !!!
cIII Nopw! Juat got out of the hospital. Got acute paancreatitis an am down big time. WOn't even be well enough fo the James in mid July. real bummer. Got sick just before the wounded warrior on the potomac in May. starting to recover a little but haven't been on the water for months. Looks like Hutch fished and brought in 6 fish over 8 pounds.
Well dang man!! I was wondering what happened to the emails! Do you guys need anything? Need us to mow the grass or edge or anything????

Hope your recovery goes fast Bill!

How did you get pancreatitis?
CIII - No we are good. THe neighbors have been outstanding. The docs don' know what caused i ye. Main cause is alcohol which I don't indulge in so who knows. GO back to the endo guy on Friday. During and endoscopy (camera down the thoat thry found cysts on mt pancrea. Biops results were negative. SO now I wait to see what they will do to remove or drain the cysts.

THanks for yout thoughts
Sure feel like one today!! My lower back is KILLING me from 2 days in a row of 3am wake up's and 16 hours of spinecrushing St.Clair follies. OMG the things I do to my body to humor myself and my friends!! :blink::eek::(