Are Muskies Allowed in Bass Boats

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Steve Ferendo

Well-Known Member
May 12, 2005
Reaction score
I caught this little cutie on Columbus Day but I felt strange bringing her on board my BASS boat. What do you think?


Now THAT'S cool:cool:

ODNR just stocked Muskies in Caesers Creek about 4 yeras ago and they're cacthin' 20 pounders already! It's a deeep lake with a ton of baitfish so they'll do well.

I'm gonna' have to restock my big tackle because it all come up missing back years ago when my dad and I went to Canada.

Love that striping on those tigers!

Nice Fish:cool:
They're allowed but they must be over 50 inches. ;)Nice muskie, I'll bet he gave you quite a fight. :):D
Holy shart teeth Batman!!! Great looking fish!!
Man Law Exception 3 to Man Law 1203.4 reads "A muskie may be brought into a bass boat at any time."

A beautiful fish!
Happens quite often up here on St.Clair!! The Muskies get BIG, but they're also known for munching 4" tubes!! Here's a nice one that Mini caught this summer...on a 7ft Johnny Morris spinning combo w/12lb line!!:eek:


and another shot of the same fish!:blink:


The dude can fish!!!;)

Look how red that tail is and how different the markings on Steve's
Steve's looks like a Tiger Musky.....those are hybrids,...a cross of a Northern Muskellunge and Northern Pike...usually sterile but will grow into the 30lb range. Mini's is a true Great Lakes Musky and they will get into the 40+lb range.....I've seen some in LSC that are a LOT bigger than the one he's holding...and that's probably a 25-28lbr!!:blink:
Fred McClintock at Dale catches them 40+ every fall and winter:cool:
Thanks Mac!

That really isnt that big of a muskie.....not for around here. The red tail is from the exhuastive fight I put it through. I HAND LANDED the fish! The blood goes to the fins....I took the time and care to release the fish safely. Took almost as long to release it as it did to catch it!

I have a video of it too.....

Funny thing, I was trolling for muskies that morning with no success (on a 22 foot Mako), then about noon I called Mac and told him to pick me up. I jumped from the Mako to Mac's Ranger and ran to a (now) popular smallmouth spot and on the first cast (with one of Mac's rods) I caught the musky!

Uncle Billy,

It came from Little Seneca Lake in Black Hills Regional Park near Germantown. Yes, it is a Tiger Musky. The Potomac River has both Tigers (stocked) and natural reproducing pure strain Muskies. Hopefully the bite will continue long enough for me to catch another before deer season lures me off of the lake and into the woods.
