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Jeffry Skidmore

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2011
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After thinking about things for a few days, I decided to revisit a previous topic. In the " why I hate the media" thread, I posted something about the President and his apologies. Apparently someone took offense, and in rebuttal that maintained that he should have apologized for the burning of the Koran, and that our soldiers should be sensitive to the impact of their actions on the culture of our enemies.

As a veteran, the conflict I have is between compasion for the innocent non-combatants and the desire to annihilate our enemies. Although I was never in combat, I have two very close friends who are veterans of Vietnam, one of whom was severely wounded. The only complaint I have ever heard from them has been over non-support from the very people that were responsible for sending them.

Which brings me to my point.

Why can't our soldiers depend on their CINC to support and protect them. Can our soldiers not expect their CINC to show strength and resolve toward the mission and our enemies? And why is it so important for us to involve ourselve in a "humane war", when there is no such thing? Were AlQueda and the Taliban sensitive to our culture when they killed ~3000 civillians at the WTC, or when they severed the head of a reporter and posted the video? Has the gov't of Pakistan ever apologized for harbouring the most wanted man in history, all the while accepting aid from us who were searching for him?

First, I thank you for serving (in combat or not), thank you.

We vets sometimes have stronger emotions on a particular subject than some others. It's not wrong to feel so strongly. Serving allows you that perogative as one who put all on the line to guard that freedom.

You had already deleted your original post before I saw it. I can guess as to what you may have posted. Whatever you said, as with anyone who states an opinion, has that right to feel and say as they wish, as did you. I personally think the current POTUS is the worst example of a C in C I have ever seen in my time.

Not everyone will agree with everything someone posts. So please do not allow a response to bother or intimidate you for making it. I personally find anyone supporting the current POTUS to be offending but, they have a right to post what they care too. So, I just do not respond.
I agree with you. You can't have it both ways. I feel that if we would have fought in Vietnam and Korea like we did in WWII, we would have won. It's a war people.

Barry from La.
I wrote that response. I took no offense, just stated my position. My position is from a perspective formed having served 28 years in the Army and having served in one of those god forsaken countries where the citizens don't enjoy the liberties we have. This is a complex issue and is not an either or proposition. The CINC can support its troops [demand justice for the killings] without blindly ignoring the realities of the environment [the Koran is sacred to Islam and ought not be burned]. That is why I stated he should apologize for burning the Koran and at the same time demand that there should be retribution for our Soldiers' deaths.

I hold ourselves to a higher standard of behavior than all the other ne-er-do-well countries in the world; the bar is not that high.

WWII, Viet Nam and Afghanistan are three different environments. We won in Europe and Japan and their local populations supported their government's surrender. We were winning the fight in Viet Nam when the U.S. population withdrew support of the war. We aren't going to be able to win a lasting peace in Afghanistan I fear.
We were winning the fight in Viet Nam until the vocal minority cried so loudly and the majority kept quiet as we are doing now. We were winning in Viet Nam until it obvious that there was no clear objective ( or an objective that was irrrelevant and unattainable), much like in Afghanistan today.

The Koran is a book; same as the Bible is a book. Would I be offended if they burned a Bible? Of course I would. Would it change my faith? Abosulutely not; not if they burned 1000 Bibles. Look at it at face value; a bunch of fanatics looking for an excuse.

World War II was different in that our leaders and the majority of Americans showed a resolve to end the tyranny of a few despots. We haven't shown that as a united country since.