Anybody Wanna Fish The Potomac Tomorrow?

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Tox, I have a a memorial service to attend tomorrow. I think it's the FIRST time this summer I've had something I had to do on a Sunday! Rats!!!! I would have tried the drive and loved to go out with you. Some other time?


Juast keep driving until you come to a "T" in the river and then turn right... No, wait, that's Wisconsin... Never mind... I can't make it... No TJ to tell me how to get there...
Veeerrrrrrrry Funny Meyer....Remember, I am deadly with flying hooksets. Instead of a shirtpocket, I can make it a "crotch" strike!!LOL!!

I'd love too...

I'll see about getting a plane ticket for tomorrow morning..EARLY!

one day i'll higher you as a guide!
