Anybody Wanna Chat?

  • Thread starter Scott Hammer TOXIC
  • Start date
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We were in there till about midnight. Lot's of fun. Sue stopped in, Carlos, Doug Patillo, Jim B., Troy and a few others.

We outta use it more

I would have stayed longer, but kept getting bumpedd out. Anyone know why?

I must have JUST missed you guys. I saw Toxic's original post and there was nobody in there. So I just ended up watching episodes 1-4 of the Soprano's on DVD....LOL
That's an idea!! I'm game!!

I thought you were mad at me Sue!LOL! You better answer my question too!! Go ask KB.....geeesh!! Like I can get a straight answer outta him!!LOL


Where'd you fish and what did you catch? I missed the chat thing too, but I'm on Central time.

I wish I was home by 7:00PM.

Dream on!

Out to Lake Anna. Met my partner and got my boat back out of oil and empty, of course). Took my neighbor who hasn't been Bass fishing since he was a kid. My partner had a client and couldn't turn a fish. We had 1/3 of a day and yanked a couple. Very tough day. Went to my honey bank just to get the 2!! Was off the water by 4:30, takes that long to clean up the rig and get home.
