Anybody in here?

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Sorry I can't hang out all day here like the guv workers....I have to work for a living!!! :lol:

Just had a tooth pulled and now headed for Bass Pro Gun Counter to work. My jaw hurts.

Spending time with my visiting parents. Haven't had much time to get on the computer the past few days.

All the best,

Just got in at 2200, brought home a Skeeter to test drive this weekend.......sorry. The transom on my Nitro is shot from a long term leak, probably gonna sell the whole deal for about $1,500.00, boat, motor, trailer. Boat still drives great but will need some transom work in the future and I don't have the time nor the inclination to take on that job.

I check in periodically...

when the boy is asleep;

when my homework for school is finished;

when my projects at work are done or on hold waiting for someone else to get done;

when the grass is cut;

when the dishes are put away;

when the Diaper Genie is emptied;

My boat has so much dust on it, it's just not funny anymore.
slammed at work this week BUT taking Eli to his first Night Tournament today (6:30pm - 10:30pm) don't expect much as we've not been on the water in 2 weeks, but gonna enjoy just fishing with the little guy!
Side note

I am off to Australia at the end of the month, anyone want anything from there???

Also have a trip to Japan during September and can pick up some stuff then too....

I hear that Aussey girls crave American Men. I don't know where I'll hide her but can you get me one of them? Brunette or redhead preferabley.

Carlos - drop me an email on where you will be in Australia, I have quite a few friends and folks I work with other there, one had a boat and takes me fishing from Sydney each trip!

Oh and if you get up to Karunda near Cains, let me know, there is a shop that has a DigeriDo Beka loved and we forgot to buy it!

Japan - I just love buying BEER in the street vending machines! And he Sushi is AMAZING! Again let me know the cities you'll be in I have folks in most major Asia markets.

Safe Travels!


CIII, aren't you glad you retired so you'd have all of the free time you wanted?:rolleyes: How about Elle McPherson from Australia?

Uncle Billy
Fatrap! HA!!!!

trep, email sent, thanks! I am in Okinawa for a bit, not enough time for fun though....more of a pain..but it pays the bills.

UB, you are kinda right...but with the retired pay of a enlisted man, ahrd to NOT get another job...especially in Northern Virgina....overall, travel is not that bad and I freakin LOVE the job man..... I look at it like this...semi long term pain, for LONG term gain. At lest I get to pick when I fish for the most part as long as I plan it out in advance.
