Anybody gonna use Sharkhide?....

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Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2002
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Just wondering if any of you out there with aluminum rigs are doing the "winter polishing" project and applying Sharkhide. I can vouch the stuff does what it claims. This will be the second season of my application and it still looks like new. No signs of cracking or peeling and still protects it from oxidation.

I look at the new aluminum rigs and even those have a slight dull film (oxidation) from the factory. Aluminum is very pourus and will oxidize when exposed to air.

If any of you are interested just go to

Last spring I put it on my pontoon boat before I put it in the water the toon spent all summer in the water. When I pulled it out in October it didn't have half of the crud that everyone elses did. I was able to wash off the pond scumm with just a bucket of water and a brush and it looks new again. I would have to say the Sharkhide worked for my application.

Yeah...people think I'm crazy(Iam) when I wipe doen my aluminum rig:) Keeps the scum line off...Best stuff goin'!

You can also put a layer of fiberglass on your rig and finish it off the way it was meant to be, then you wouldn't have to worry about scum lines and oxidation and come to think of it, you could even put sparkles on it!!LOL!!

Bwhahahahahahahaha!You are funny Tox...Why would I want to change my "ONE BIG SPARKLY BOAT! Who need sparkles anyway when I can just blind them:)!