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Teri C.

Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2003
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A guy at work has a Panasonic plasma 42" HDTV and stand for sale for $2200. He said he paid $4500 new over a year ago. The model number is TH-42PWD4UY. Is this a good buy?
I just heard last night that Plasma's "go bad" after about 8yrs or so and they cannot be fixed,...they have to be replaced.....salesmen will NOT tell you that!! Don't know if it's true or not...but that's just what I heard.

Honestly im not sold on the plasma technology yet. It is still changing at a very rapid pace and gets outdated quickly. Its kind of like computers, its outdated when you leave the store. 2200 bucks is a good price but its up to you if you want to pay it. personally i think you can do better on a rear projection for less cash and it will live a longer life too. Keep in mind plasm tv's do have a finite life before the screen burns out and its no longer functional. My company was playing in the plasma market for a while but never released a product because the technology changes almost overnight. We decided to stick with just audio.

A buddy of mine got a pioneer premier 50" a few months ago for aroun 12 grand. The pioneer is the highest rated plasma on the maket and im not impressed with it. for lots less money he could have gotten a sony xbr grand wega that has a much better picture and is larger at 70".


that is absoulty true. a lot of people dont know that.
I just read recently(Wall Street Journal) that there is a new technology that TI invented that is expected to take off in later 2004. It is a new mirror based projection system that is better than the current Plasma or LCD's at a much lower price. Obviously, when available the general prices will drop. The issues with current plasma(heat build-up) or LCD(screen burn-in), and price lead me to hold off putting one in my new family room. Instead I went to Best Buy and bought a Toshiba 32" non flat screen stereo tv for about $239. I am going to sit it our for a little while longer to see what happens. I don't want to end up with a Betamax. Instead of plunking the money on the TV my family put a second boat in the driveway so we can have as much fun skiing/tubing as we do in the fishing boat.
I have a 55" Mitsubishi HDTV right now but it's too big for the room I have it in.

I would never buy ANY used electronic device such as a TV or DVD player. You could spend the 2 grand and it could go tomorrow and you'd be out the money. At least when you buy a new one you can, and should buy the warranty that will give you a replacement should it fail in such in such time. Like a computer you take it home and use it one time and the value is gone.

Here you go, from Zenith:

The Zenith P42w22 Flat Panel Plasma Display is fanfree so it is very quiet and Zenith has given a life of 30000 hours.

If you watched it 4 hours a day, 7 days a week, you would watch it for 1456 hours. Based upon that math, it would take approximately 20 years to 'burn it up'. Eight hours a day would be around 10 years.

Tex, that is just an estimate. Some will last longer and some wont. They give the same ratings to computer hard drives and some seem to last forever and some fail after a short life across the same product line.
JimB.....imagine that??!!!.....A rumor that turned out to be TRUE!!!....I'm stunned!! LOL
We have plasma's on some networks for monitors, two have burn in from the windows screen remaining and not having a screen saver selected. You can see the burn't in images just about all the time.

If you were to play games and use the screen, NEVER let the game remain with one graphic for very long. They do burn in images with out much effort. The ones we had affected took less than 4 hrs total. (Thats total time for that particular window being present over time, not consecutive)

We have instituted changes to our op's plan to preclude more damage.


I have a room that your 55" will fit in just fine...


Look at a new DLP Teri. Light weight and will last longer. Plasma is only about 3 or 4 years and should NOT BE MOVED once installed.

DLP is not as "skinny" but the picture looks as good and they are cheaper. You can get a 50" DLP for $2500

If you look at a plasma next to a LCD,the LCD has a much higher quality picture to my view.

I am an AV systems design Engineer at Purdue, this is what

i do for a living. My advice is do not waste $2200 on Plasma. LCD flat panels are starting to come down in price and are much better, as well as emerging DLP technology.

Just my .02 cents.

Thanks for the advice. I will not waste my money.

Hey Roger, go Boilers! I attend alot of their games although my degree is from IU.
OK Roger and Teri - This Boilermaker hasen't been back to campus in over 10 years. So what has changed? Last time i was back they had already replaced the OLD fountain in front of the engineering mall with the one you can run thru and looks like it came from the movie 2001 A Space Oddessy. What else has changed? is Harrys Chocolate Shop still there? I used to spend every Friday my Senior year in the window table at lunch. How about Garcia's pizza - my wife's FAVORITE!!
I think the best bang for the buck is getting an HD projection screen ( ie: Mits ) and a HD Sat. reciever. I have a 60" Mits and a Huewes HD reciever and the picture is awesome..Lot less $$ than a plasma and I think the picture is just as nice
plasma is cool but a good standard 42"hdtv will run around 1000 and last you at least until the plasma stuff gets better