Any of you guys or girls........

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Steve Hutson

Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2004
Reaction score
Are any of you all truck drivers? I was fortunate to retire on 8/15/08 at 49 years of age from my job with the State of TN. Part of my package was 2 years free college or tech. school at any state supported school. I've always wanted to drive an 18 wheeler, so I signed up for the school to se what it would be like. So far, so good, I love driving those things (the few miles that I have driven). I have never really given any thought to actually driving for a living other than maybe a dump truck or something around town.

As my wife has another 5 years to go before she can retire, I thought what the heck I'll give it a try until she can retire and se some of the country. Heck, I may even visit some of you all, you reading this Uncle Billy? I would love to e-mail or call any of you that are in the industry with some suggections, reccomendations, ideas or warnings. I do know that with todays economy and the fact that I'm not going to be in it for much more than 5 years, I do not want to be an owner/ operator.
I can't imagine dealing with all of the nuts out on the road on a daily basis!! Especially when the rain and snow starts to fall. Truckers used to be the "Knights of the Road." Don't listen to Mo, he just had a bad experience!! :lol:

Good luck. Get on with a good company that keeps their equipment serviced and up to date.


What do you mean I "had a bad expereience"?

I'll have you all know, I AM a bad experience!!!

Oh...back to the topic. Steve, just pay as much attention to us little guys as you want us to pay to you. The next worse thing to a big rig drifting out of its lane is tail-gating. I won't go any faster with a rig sitting six inches off my bumper as I will with it two or three car lengths back. All it would take is for a semi to run into me from behind to cause me to spin off the road, and that's a lawsuit waiting to happen.

They DO look like they're fun to drive, though, so enjoy it!
Not to worry Mo, I'm no speed demon. That fact alone may kill any trucking career for me.
Steve, when you get on your travel kick, you better get by here!:rolleyes:

I drove one of those P.I.T.A.'s a long time ago. It was for a local company so I was out and back most days with just a few times over night or three days out so it wasn't long distance. If, IF mind you, you happen to work for a company that keeps their equipment in good working order and buys good equipment to begin with, you will be lucky. I had to drive one of two GMC tractors that were geared for city driving but were being driven on rural roads and highways. My biggest gripe was the cars that just HAD to get in front of you and then slow down. I bet you've experienced that pulling your boat? People have no idea of how wide you have to take turns and will pull right up in your way etc.. In other words, CARS are the biggest bugaboos when driving a truck.

Oh, and one other thing Steve. Don't drive to Newark, NJ from Washington, D.C. on a Sunday with a heavy load of boiler plates to deliver to a major corporation that needed them as soon as possible to avoid huge monetary losses.

When you get near where you have to go, and traffic is backed up at a light, go ahead and cut through a huge used car lot and save 1/2 hour. Then when you're unloaded and want to get home, DO NOT go back through the same used car lot. Especially when it's one of those car lots that have long strings of yellow light bulbs to best show the cars that were for sale. You will find out real fast, as it's a Sunday and you're zipping right along, that your trailer without that load is at least 8" higher! Before you know it you'll think you're being bombed because of the noise going on all around you until you look in your mirror and see long lines and lines of electric cable and broken bulbs being dragged along behind. You'll spend one night and half a day in jail until your company wires the $1700. in damages it'll take to get you released. And THEN, you have to go home and face your boss.:(:eek::huh:

Uncle Billy
Steve - It must be China, but I saw the topic "Any of you guys or girls", and was thinking who's asking if we are guys, girls, both or some of each!!! LOL'

If you go the truck round long term, let me know and i'll move WAY over on the I75/I85 routes through atlanta!!! Good Luck!
My cousin owns a trucking company and mostly does local hauls but runs out of State some too and loves it. I always tell my wife that we can get a truck someday and run cross country and see the Country and get paid but she's not to hip on the idea....yet.
It's a tuff row to hoe, I have all the respect in the world for truckers. Did a short stent, too many Uncle Billy's in my way.................LOL
