Another Sacrifice

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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2000
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Underwood Iowa

I don't know why I posted this but certain things get to me. No one here needs to be reminded of the sacrifices being made but I just wanted to share this with you all.

Copied from Today's Omaha World-Hearld

What the article didn't say was that Shane loved being a Marine. He joined the corp to make a better life for his family. The news had interviews with his former coach, friends, and family. He was a super kid.


Baby lessens tragedy's sting

The high school sweethearts' wedding was straight from the storybook. The cheerleader traded her pleated skirt for a long, white gown, and the football captain traded his pads for dress blues. Marines held their swords above the couple's heads as they exited the church. But there wouldn't be a happy ending for the Kielions, whose romance began their sophomore year at South High School. Lance Cpl. Shane Kielion, 23, died in combat in Iraq Monday - the same day April gave birth to their first child.

I can only hope that someday every American will appreciate the sacrifices that these young men and women are willing to make to protect this great country. I know that almost everyone here knows and appreciates that sacrifice and so to some extent I realize we are "preaching to the choir" when these posts are made here.

What I would hope is that each and every one of us would print out one of these posts, from time to time. And, then when the opportunity arises, show it to someone who disparages our military efforts. If just once, one of those "negatives" realizes that these are real people, with freinds and families, real sacrifices for our country, and then comes to appreciate it, we will have made a difference.

Semper Fi Shane Kielion I will remember you as a fellow brother...

Bring them home.

I support each and every man and woman serving our country. But, why are they there? Oil? I doubt it gas is 2.00 a gallon. If we were there for that then it would be cheaper. Terrorism? I doubt it. Iraq didnt attack us on Sept 11. Why?

This scenario sounds awfully familair....remember Southeast Asia in the 50's, 60's and 70's???

Please dont let the sacrifices of our service men and women be in vane. They deserve better than that.

Without a long embattled dissertation... The internal horrors of the Hussein regime... hundreds of thousands of people killed... he gassed his own people... millions of dollars were paid by hime to the Palestinian suicide bombers... encouraging that terrorism... he had a desire and the potential to continue to threaten and attack his neighbors... he signed and then ignored the 1991 armistice terms...

We are there to make this a better and more stable world. A secular and stable democratic Iraq will go a long way toward bringing peace to the Middle East. And there are so many differences that any parallel to Southeast Asia is very strained.
Final note on this from the media. The baby was named after his father. Shane asked his wife to name the baby after him if he didn't return.

After becoming a father for the first time a little over seven months ago, this hits home. I am not a soldier in war, but I work as a career firefighter. I often think if my girl will ever remember me if I don't come home after shift.

Can you imagine what this child's birthday will be like every year.
My son is in the Marine Reserve. I've gotten to know so many Marine parents since Mike joined that I feel I know their Marines also. I've also gotten to know a lot of Marines personally and most are, or have been, to Iraq or Afghanistan. Since we live so close to Mike's MOS school,Ft. Knox, he was constantly bringing brother Marines home on leave so they could get a couple of home-cooked meals. Mike hasn't yet been deployed but eventually will be. It's painful to sit and watch the daily count of our brave troops climb even if it is for a necessary cause. Hutch
I have a son that's soon to be 21. He's talking about quitting school and joining up. I can't tell him not to do something I went ahead and did a lot younger than him. Still it grieves me considerable the price to pay for freedom. It always seems it's our brightest, bravest and best young people that defend our country so the miscontents, and idiots can stay home and add to the gene pool.


And, thank God the best do volunteer... It is a terrible, terrible, price to pay... But, only because the best among us serve do we remain free...