Another reason NOT to renew your BASS Membership

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Bill McElroy

Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2000
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Taken from BassFan: (11-18-05)

Breaking news: BASS VP and GM Don Rucks sent an open letter to all BASS Federation members this morning (Fri., Dec. 18). In that letter, he announced that BASS revoked the memberships of the six divisional representatives: Robert Cartlidge, Chuck Rolfsmeyer, Gary Bradford, Joe McKinnon, Mike Dunkerly and Charles Mitchell. The Bass Federation, Inc. (TBF, Inc.) VP Roger Fitchett also had his membership revoked.

Rucks also stated: "BASS will no longer communicate with these individuals in any capacity, nor will these individuals be welcome at any BASS-sanctioned event now or in the future. BASS will communicate only with the State BASS Federations and with individual members in good standing."

In addition, the letter also stated: "BASS has decided to dismiss the Federation Presidents Advisory members and to terminate this board indefinitely."

BASS announced a Federation dues increase from $15 to $20 in early November. The divisional representatives at TBF, Inc.
Is there any more to this story??? I read it again and again, and came to the same conclusion that you did - They Banned our representitives for standing up for us???;) What the heck is going on??? There has to be more to the story. If this is all there is, then it's a crock of you know what.... and BASS sucks. If anyone has any more insight into what happened, please let us know.

All the best,

It sounds like BASS/ESPN has started the process of dismantling the state federations . They probably fell that its pretty much dead weight for them. Not enough money in it for them.Ray Scott has just become someone that ESPN waves out there when its convenient for them. Sort of like a token of what use to be, but is no more. it turns my stomach.

Ooops, just renewed last month for 2 more yrs. :blink:
Waterwings, i just did too. oops.....
It surprises the hell out of me that Ray agreed with Rucks..........afterall, was the FEDERATION that made BASS!! I do agree with Mark Gross though....the end of the Federation is quickly approaching! I'm willing to bet they'll completely ignore it by 2007.:angry:

TritonGlenn, you're right too....Bass SUCKS!!:angry:

Although I agree that ESPN/BASS should not have the right to raise our dues without a membership vote and what they are doing to our reps is a hard ball tactic, Our Pa federation just increased our dues $10.00 a year and never put it on the itenerary(sp) decision made by board of directors without membership vote. To me a $15.00 a year increase is not a big deal but the big problem is the Power Wars between the Federation and ESPN and us members wondering what will happen next. In my opinion we need our leaders to take it to the membership (50,000+ anglers) to vote and for our leaders to abide by our vote and not make these decisions in a vacuum.
One thing to keep in mind is that "The Bass Federation" is actually its own company and not owned by BASS. Two years ago when all the federations got together and formed "TBF", BASS didnt like it too much. They really didnt like that unified voice at all , much like they dont like the PAA. Basically they are choosing not to recgonize "TBF" and are trying to strongarm all the state feds to go back to the way it used to be were they are all independent entities that BASS could manipluate however they saw fit. I hope "TBF" sticks together and tells BASS to stuff it where the sun dosent shine. Irwin Jacobs wanted to talk to "TBF" when they first formed about possible alignment with the Operation Bass. Maybe its time that happened and leave BASS in the dust. Without the federation BASS is nothing, i dont think ESPN has figured that out yet.
ESPN is so very typical of the "botttom-line" oriented AMerican corporation.... It's all about biggest profit TODAY! To heck with the future....

Well, those anglers fishing the Federation today may not be the next Clunn...Van Damm... But, they are the parents of the future Big Dogs... They will pass on some "concepts" and "opinions" to tehir kids... BASS may not wilt away tomorrow... the current crop of BASS Pros will still be there for ten or so years... But, when you look at the BASS of today... you KNOW it came to be because of the Federation and the strength of the Federation program. Where did those pros learn and grow from... The Federation...
BASS feels that they can do anything they want and are going to see how far it goes before the federation balks. As of right now, the classic spots allow them to get away with it. Jacobs is probably dying to get the federation, but until he can offer something up that is comperable to the classic, I don't think he will get it.

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